A Conversation for Not All Asteroids Are Dangerous
Woodpigeon Started conversation Nov 12, 1999
Hi Asteroid Lil! Have you heard of the Asteroid known as Cruithne? Apparently it is influenced by both the sun, the moon and Earth in its orbit and can be considered for the present time to be a second satellite of Earth. I jest you not. I read it on a page on the Web just last week so it must be true .
Anyway I didn't write this article just to ask you the above question - do you know what the derivation of the word "Cruithne" is? It sounds Gaelic, so I am very interested.
Any ideas?
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Dec 2, 1999
Sorry to be so long responding -- authors don't get alerted when posts are made to their articles!
I will check out Cruithne and let you know.
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