A Conversation for Not All Asteroids Are Dangerous

Asteroid names

Post 1


Apparently author Arthur C Clarke, (try saying that without a minor peturbation) was a bit miffed to discover that asteroid number 2001 has already been named after someone else.

A chap name Albert Einstein got there first.

Asteroid names

Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

But at least he got some recompense this year, when asteroid 9000 was named HAL!


Asteroid names

Post 3

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

Is there an asteroid with my name on it?

If you consider this question along the same lines as 'Is there a bullet with my name on it', then the concept of naming asteroids becomes every so slightly worrying, and I'd rather not know - thankyouvermuch, as just being able to get through a single day without losing my skin gives me more than enough to worry about in the first place.

Asteroid names

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I know, I know ... One of the things I am trying to address with this article is Asteroid Paranoia. Most of the things are as orderly as a flock of sheep, particularly the ones with your or my names on them. Now an asteroid called Icarus or Toro is an asteroid to worry about.

There is no asteroid Taipan: gwan, have a go.
smiley - fish

Asteroid names

Post 5

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

Phew! That's a relief! That brings my worry list down to the low thousands.

"gwan, have a go" - sorry, don't understand this bit. Can you elaborate?

Also, Icarus and Toro - what's the latest?

Apparently, I think it was march sometime last year, the earth came within a galactic style 'hairs breadth' of a miss, but can't remember the name of the asteroid at the moment. The scary thing was, the asteriod early warning system didn't notice it until a couple of days before possible impact.

I think in looking at the moon, we're pretty safe anyhow, as most of the ones veering this way seem to hit it first anyway.

Incidently, did you know that apparently the moon is the result of an asteroid collision with earth which released some particles from it's impact around the gravity caused by the sun, which eventually developed into the moon.

Asteroid names

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The one that came so close to us recently, I think it was a minor Mayan deity, the god of disgruntlement or something. Don't remember the name.

As for Icarus and Toro, while they have wildly eccentric orbits, they are not a danger to any inner planet, at least not for the next half-century.

As for gwan-have-a-go, I meant "Go on, see if there IS an asteroid with your name." First, middle or last names accepted.


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