A Conversation for The Roundabout Dogs in Sweden

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 21

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Anyone with header suggestions will be named as coauthors...

Good suggestions, thanks Matt!

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 22


Rightio, a bit of spare time, so I'll fine tooth this if you don't mind:

smiley - dog centers - centres

smiley - dog It started (header) - How about 'Unleashed'?

smiley - dog it's - its

smiley - dog 26 of February. - 26 February, 2006

smiley - dog In May 2006 - In May the same year

smiley - dog"demolition, antisocial behaviour and phenomena" - think single quotes ' should be used. Check with a sub-editor though smiley - smiley.

smiley - dog eachother - each other (x2)

smiley - dog It spread (header) - How about 'Walkies!'?

smiley - dog covered by media - by the media

smiley - dog by November it made - they had made

smiley - dog And then (header) How about - 'Wagging Tails'?

Hope that all helps smiley - smiley

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 23


Oh, the only other thing that sprang to mind was perhaps the title needs a little refining - as it made me think of dogs running around, and around, and around smiley - winkeye Perhaps something like 'The Roundabout Dog Sculptures of Linkoping Town, Sweden'? although you might think of something a bit better smiley - smiley

Oh, and if you have a photo of them yourself, you could pop by the h2g2 <./>Photgraphers</.> and see if they can do anything about adding it once this gets picked for the EG, as I'm sure it will smiley - ok

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 24


Fudge sticks - <./>Photographers</.>

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 25

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Great - these are things which are tricky for foreigners! I'll deal with them tonight...

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 26


No problem, it's a great little Entry that is fantastic for a first foray into PR smiley - oksmiley - goodluck

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 27


A couple more EG links for you -

A297119 Sweden

A680104 The Concrete Cows of Milton Keynes

And I think there's something amiss in the AVK quote - at the end, the 'destroy each other' sounds a little skew-iff. Not sure if it's a little lost intranslation there smiley - smiley

Sorry to perster, but I REALLY enjoy this kind of article and want to help you make it as brilliant as possible smiley - biggrin

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 28

Milla, h2g2 Operations

HOwever, I think I like the title the way it is - confusing enough to lure people into reading it smiley - smiley

I didn't quite understand the Fudgesticks comment?

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 29

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I really appreciate all the help I'm getting! Don't worry!

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 30


Fudgesticks? It's a plaintive rmark of indignation, like poopy, or dammit. I did the link wrong to the Photographers home page, so I blasphemed smiley - winkeye But I also didn't read that it might be too difficult for you to get to a dog to photograph it smiley - sorry The pics you have are great though, nice links. Public domain on those hopefully, so there shouldn't be a problem smiley - smiley

Titles are always a bone of contention (no pun intended). The h2g2 Editors may want you to change it so as it gets more hits via search engine or makes it clearer for the casual browser of hootoo.

Or they may not smiley - winkeye

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 31

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Destroy _for_ eachother... is there any other way I can put it - where people make bad things, that other people are hurt/saddened/upset about, wrecking private and public property etc.?

Language skills are needed here... smiley - smiley

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 32

aka Bel - A87832164

Not sure, maybe 'rather than distroying it for each other'?
Maybe say it in Swedish?(here, not in the entry)

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 33

Milla, h2g2 Operations

The original Swedish text which I tried to translate in the Entry
”Vi vill med vår installation visa att medborgarna ur de djupa folkleden vill vistas i en god miljö. Ett tryggare samhälle där vi hjälps åt istället för att förstöra för varandra.”

Not the best Swedish grammar and language either... Young people, eh... smiley - winkeye

Any help in making this readable English is welcome!

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I don't know any Swedish, but from what I gather (with the help of the translation already given), it means something like: With this installation we want to show that our fellow citizens from a ? milieu want to live in a good environment. A safer community where we help to create something instead of destroying something.
How's that, anywhere near the original?

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 35


smiley - sorry Milla, you're going to hate me smiley - sadface

smiley - dogDuring the autumn of 2006, quirky, naivistic - I'm not sure naivistic is a word, and if it is not sure it's the right one...maybe just naive would do?

smiley - dogIn some ways the story bears similarities to the Cows of Milton Keyne[s] - needs the 's'

smiley - dog We want, with our installation, to show that citizens from the deep grass root levels like to exist in a good environment. A safer society where we help each other, rather than destroy [it] for each other. - the inclusion of it in there helps make the sentence more understandable I think smiley - smiley

smiley - dog these naivistic pieces of art - still not sure on naivistic...

smiley - dog In this section -

From one day to the next, a Roundabout Dog spotter would have a wonderful time to observe the styles, the dates of appearance and the sad prospect of removal by traffic authorities - they seemed to be regarded as very distracting to the drivers, and thus creating a traffic hazard. On the other hand, they may be a very welcome distraction for anyone travelling with children...

Try -

a Roundabout Dog spotter would have awonderful time observing the styles, the daes of appearance and the sad prospect of removal by traffic authorities, as they seemed to be regarded as a distraction to drivers, thus creating a traffic hazard. On the other hand they can be welcome diversions for anyone travelling with children.

And perhaps link to this Entry A397398 Things to Keep Children Amused on Long Journeys

smiley - dog

1 The Academy of the little town of the Cloister of Vreta
2 No known associations to the Gnome Liberation Front
3 Always abide by local regulations, don't place art near traffic without approval.

Don't forget fullstops at the ends of your footnotes smiley - winkeye

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 36


Oh, and just so we can miss the turn off smiley - winkeye

A17300323 Roundabout Dogs

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 37


Love it, Love it, Love it!
I may build a dog of my own and set it on my lawn, or at the entrance to the subdivision. smiley - ok

First rate stuff, Milla!

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 38

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Matt, thanks again for your comments!

smiley - dog Naivistic - a naivist is an adult artist who chooses to use a childlike style. His art may be labeled Naivistic. This is the direct translation of Swedish terminology... English art terminology may be different. But I wanted the link to the Naivist style. Help with art terminology is appreciated!

smiley - dog the destruction bit... Destroy [things] for each other? [it] sounds a bit like it is referring to a particular part of the previous part of the sentence, and it is more about general destructivity than a particular bit of destruction...

smiley - dog Keynes - of course smiley - blush

smiley - dog I thought there was an entry on keeping children amused while travelling, but I couldn't find it! Thanks!

smiley - dog dog spotter section - as you wish, sir smiley - winkeye

smiley - dog Footnotes: They now stop!

Milos, thanks!

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 39

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Anyone with more comments, or who can help out where I can't find the right words?

smiley - towel

A17300323 - Roundabout Dogs

Post 40

aka Bel - A87832164

Did you miss my attempt at a translation in post #34?

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