A Conversation for Missionaries


Post 1


This topic seems very one-sided. I don't mean that it only has the basic premise without further commentary, I mean that it sees missionaries as being the sole property (if you will) of "Christians". I can't think of any one religion or belief that stays within its walls and doesn't venture out into the world to spread its beliefs elsewhere. If it didn't, it wouldn't get very far, last very long, or have any members. "Missionaries" are viewed as those imposing their beliefs on an unknowing society. I once worked for a missionary agency that dealt in Bible translation. Yes, it is the "Christian" Bible, but what was being done had two purposes. It's FIRST mission was literacy and good works toward a people who had no written down language and poor sanitation. The language part may not seem very important, but a lot of these people had rituals and stories that were disappearing from one generation to the next. Sure, the books they were being instructed from were Bibles and Bible related, but they weren't kicked out of the program if they didn't want that message taught to them. The work I was doing was Graphic Design...illustrating phoenetic charts to show how the mouth worked to make a certain sound. I don't know about you, but I found that refreshing. They also did the same for poorer areas of more advanced nations like Canada and the United States.


Post 2


Uhm, I can very cite one MAJOR example of a religion that does not have missionaries:


There is no such thing as a missionary in Hinduism, and you can conseqeuntly see that Hinduism has not spread too far from India. And yet, it is the oldest "official" major religion of the world. A religion can exist without missionaries, if it is a good religion.

smiley - cool


Post 3


A religion does not need people to exist. But people need religion to exist.
Hinduism is the only religion which has given birth to many other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. It is also the most practical.

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