A Conversation for Orange Juice and Toothpaste

it's all in the foam

Post 1

Researcher 94760

From someone much more learned than I on the newscientist site:

The nasty flavour is caused quite simply by the detergent used in the toothpaste--generally sodium laurylsulphate--to produce the foam that we are used to when brushing our teeth. This foaming serves no useful function except to provide the user with a visual signal that the toothpaste is doing a good cleaning job. If one could persuade the user to do without a foam and so omit the detergent, the orange juice effect would disappear.

it's all in the foam

Post 2



it's all in the foam

Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Soldiers used salt to clean their teeth in World War 2 - effective, cheap and no side effects

it's all in the foam

Post 4


Apart from hardening of the arteries and raising of blood pressure?

Mind you, if you're in a warzone you have have other more pressing concerns...

it's all in the foam

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Mustapho, you spit it out. Deary, deary me. Shakes head.

....or maybe spit it on your vegetables. It is a war zone as you so rightly observe smiley - bigeyes

it's all in the foam

Post 6


Oops! Must be that baking soda toothpaste addling my brain!smiley - bigeyes

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