A Conversation for Orange Juice and Toothpaste

Food experiments

Post 1


I don't know what you are talking about.

I am used to brush my teeth once I Finished my breakfast.

If you a

Breakfast Laws

Post 2

Evil Jack McDeath

Indeed, it's the First Law of Breakfast; Once you've brushed your teeth, you are no longer permitted to eat or drink any breakfast items as you have now passed into the lunch zone (with a possible diversion into elevenses).

The Second Law of Breakfast states that when adding sugar and milk to a bowl of cereal it is imperative that the sugar is added before the milk. It's interesting to note that somewhere in the region of 95% of the population flaunt that law willy-nilly.

The Third Law of Breakfast informs us that mushrooms have no business appearing in a fry up, but that just goes without saying.

Breakfast Laws

Post 3

The Cat Called Em

no, that's not true. You *have* to put the sugar on afterwards, cos otherwise it all ends up at the bottom of the bowl, and there is then no point to adding it at all.

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