A Conversation for Don't Panic


Post 101


Is this supposed to have a meaning?..


Post 102


On the way back with only one day before he had to give the answer he met an old women who told him she new the correct answer but would only tell him if he would order one of his knights to be her husband.

(Aurora i am trying to build surspense by telling it a bit at a time)


Post 103


Hmmm, to me it seems, that you are NOT trying to build suspense! You are still looking for the right end of the story!

If there is a story of a King who once found the answer and this story is available and not locked away there is only one possibility:
it is not true! Otherwise men would have died out !!!!



Post 104


Why would they die out just because they understand women?


Post 105

Mostly Harmless

If you gave 4 women the same algebra problem, would they all come back one year later with different answers?


Post 106

Mostly Harmless

It's probably easier to give up and die out, than to try to understand women. smiley - smiley


Post 107


Yes, I agree, in fact, I strongly recommend that you do just that!


Post 108


Having no choice he give in and said he would so she told him what all women want is there own way.

funkelmarie i did point out the story was about king arthur


Post 109

Walter of Colne

Gooday Timelord,

At last, the suspense was getting to me. But if we are honest, don't all of us want our own way, most of the time? Take care,



Post 110

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No. I don't. Not ALL the time, anyway. It would be too boring.
Makes life a little more interesting if you don't always get your own way/what you want.


Post 111


I know people who always have their own way (little sisters, hint hint) and they've become totally evil-eyed, sharp-pointy-clawed long-dark-haired psychopaths with one false tooth...


Post 112



Telephone number, please.
smiley - winkeye


Post 113

Cheerful Dragon

I haven't read the whole forum (it's too long), so if anybody has come up with this, I apologise.

Men and women don't understand each other because their brains are 'wired' differently. Women have stronger connections between the two hemispheres, and areas of both are concerned with language. This means they can put their emotions into words easily. Men only have language skills in one hemisphere, and it's not hte one concerned with emotions, so they can't put their emotions into words easily. The area of a woman's brain that is concerned with 'finer feelings' is more 'developed' (for want of a better word) than a man's. The development of the male brain, and also a man's actions, are driven by testosterone. Women's actions are controlled by hormones, but sporadically, so the logic is harder to follow.

To prove this is NOT a feminist rant, some years ago a male novellist decided to write a book from a woman's point of view. When he thought he'd finished, he gave it to his wife to read. She told him it was rubbish, because women didn't think the way he'd depicted. He did some research, asking women and men how they would react in given situations. He found that no two women would react in exactly the same way as each other, while most men had the same reactions to the same situations. The book was eventually rewritten and published under a feminine pseudonym. No, I can't remember the name of the book, but the author was 'Roberta' Something.

And you want men and women to understand each other. I can't see it happening, myself.smiley - bigeyes


Post 114

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I agree absolutely.
This thread IS too long. smiley - fish


Post 115

Cheerful Dragon

Were you agreeing with my opinion of men and women being able to understand each other? Or just with my opinion that the thread is too long? Or both, perhaps?


Post 116


I would like to point out that it was a longer story then that it did end with the old woman turning into a princess (the curse was broken when she married a knight)and i did not say i agea with the hole story.

Telephone Numbers

Post 117


Nope, I won't give you it. And I was referring to my sister, and my friend (U142065)'s two little sisters. Know anyone like that?


Post 118

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor



Post 119

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

When threads get this long, it is obviously of interest to a lot of people. This happened to one I contributed to before, an ACE scooped it up, dissected it, turned it into a Guide Entry and quoted all sources.
Someone should do that with this one and entitle it "The differences between men & women"....{I'll have a word with GOD}
People can still add to the Guide Entry if they want to.


Post 120


I'm sure there was an Approved Entry accepted the other day about how to understand men and women... I'll just go and check... **Dashes off**

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