A Conversation for Don't Panic


Post 21


Mac, it's exactly the same for many (most?) women. Turning into a gibbering wreck when talking to someone you find attractive when you have no trouble conversing with someone you don't fancy, is not a gender thing. It's a personality thing, many of us turn to mush on such occasions (I'm a prime example of a mush turner) while those of a more calm or confident disposition remain suave and cool and just go for it.
Not fair, huh.


Post 22


So true...
the fact of the matter is women are not always right but as long as they think they are then their is no problems but when you say they arent they get all defenceive.


Post 23


And men don't?

Women, etc.

Post 24


Then again, life would be totally easy if everyone could agree on ANY one thing, like, even if they liked chocolate or not. Then, we'd have something to agree on. Eh? This subject is just another where nobody will agree. This makes me think, like, what is the point of discussion, anyway, if we all know that we can't convince anyone that we're right? I mean, the only thing I've seen happen is an argument. This in itself, is not bad, but it would be better, I think for people to just come together and loudly state that:
1. The purpose of discussion (argument, debate, etc.) is not to convince anyone else of something, it only makes you feel better about yourself.
2. Anyone on the other side of the debate, your adversaries, are only going to be strengthened in their viewpoint by you debating it with them.
3. Some people just like to make others look dumb.
4. Wether a point is correct or not is a matter which exists independently of a debate and who appears to be winning it.

OOOOOPs, man, did I go off topic. Sorry, but I'm posting it anyway.

Women, etc.

Post 25

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

but y'see it could get people to reconsider their viewpoint if you have a good argument AND it could get people who didn't think about it at all to well,think about it..
and that other stuff is oddly comforting,knowing it's not just me...thanks katekookabura (not spelled right) ,C.R.O.
Oh and Mr. Mole...I'm beginning to wonder if youre a man smiley - smiley(I'm only messin)


Post 26


Who doesn`t?


Post 27

Knutski(Researcher 138677)

I think that once you understand one woman, your work is done. retire to a happy life. but thats the crux of the problem is finding that one your capable of understanding. then again you your self must understandable also be.


Post 28

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

I also too understand it that me,myself and I have two be understanding.
and thats hard enough..


Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello Micheal Mole, and welcome. smiley - smiley You have come a long way! Most men I know would never admit to understanding women, never mind admitting that they are always right! I would take my hat off to you, but I don't wear one, {the shape of my head is all wrong}, so would you like me to shape-shift for you? smiley - fish


Post 30


Aha, some men are finally catching on to our evil scemes... Of course women are always right, of course we control the world, you are totally within our power! Buwahahaha!

Sorry, I'm getting carried away smiley - winkeye

Anyway, the reason you can't understand us is because we don't want you to understand us. It's really as simple as that!


Post 31


you're wright. Women like men have 2 brain parts to think with. People from Vulcan can "switch off" feelings etc. ... Women think by nature with both parts of their brain. The "bridge" between the 2 brainsides is made of stronger muscels so women must/are able to aprivoise the chaos.


Post 32


*nods sagely*


Post 33

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

I KNEW it was a conspirocy!!!!
and SURE it is ,coX-if you used the other side of your brain you would be psychic (waitaminnet...that would explain somethings..)


Post 34


---Human women? I do, my child of ignorance


Post 35



Did anyone else notice that after posting the initial query, Merlin just ... well, disappeared ...

Own up!

smiley - bigeyes


Post 36


you got me. I had this problem, but now I can handle both brainsides simultanily. And you wont belive it-I can understand wo-+mens actions.
but it's a long way to go till you reach an aim.


Post 37


So women have muscles in their brains? Is that useful? smiley - bigeyes

(I always thought 'brawn for brains' was an insult!)


Post 38


First of all, you HAVE to be a woman to say "Women are always right" Only then can the statement be true. If you are a man, demanding that women are always right, you may or may not be right; if you are a woman, you are always right, therefore, women are always right.
(PS: I am a man. Any sentences stated above may or may not be right.)


Post 39


How can you live in harmony if you are worried about being "right"?
There is no "right", only two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other.


Post 40


Laws of probability state that the coin can also land on its edge . . .

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