A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Sound familiar to anyone?

The game, for those of you who don't know, is an Oxford university piece of randomness mainly linked to eccentric philosophers. Just wondering if there are any insiders on H2G2!

Everyone's playing The Game, some people just don't know it yet.

The aim of the game is to forget that you're playing the game.

Its impossible to actually win or lose the game; you can only be ahead or behind at a certain point in time.

When you think of The Game you have to remind other people of it so that they'll be losing it too, to which they'll respond "Oh $^!£!, The Game!"

Now you've read that, you've been fully initiated to The Game! I'll be interested to know if there are any game insiders on hootoo - maybe I'm not the silliest person on here after all!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel


Post 2

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Sounds like a particularly silly game. Next time I'm losing, I'll have to introduce my friends to it.


Post 3

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

It's preposterous - I was trying to explain it to a load of old relatives when drunk at a wedding and they all thought poor Tim was absolutely crazy! Aargh - talking about myself in the 3rd person again - can't be good! Methinks I'm going mad!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel


Post 4


probably just the effects of playing the game getting to you!
I *think* someone once posted this here before ages ago... then again it might have been somewhere else! I seem to visit 1000's of sites!



Post 5

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

Forget I'm playing the Game...

Wait. What game?

I win!

Wait. I lose. Nevermind.

Something or other

Post 6

F F Churchton

In order to play the game we have to try and get people thinking something else, nice weather today???

Something or other

Post 7

Existential Elevator

smiley - headhurts

Something or other

Post 8

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Lol... with me its always the case that I'm talking about something completely different and just happened to mention the words T** G*** by mistake, thus causing someone else to think of it without thinking of it myself! Actually, isn't that the only way to be winning, until the person you're thinking of exclaims "Oh s***, The G***!"

What game?

Hey, everyone! Look over there!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Something or other

Post 9

Existential Elevator

So, for example, you might say "I played a fabulous game of Monopoly last night" [well, you might, you never know, stranger things happen] and suddenly someone will, well, say "T** G***!"

smiley - huhsmiley - biggrin

Something or other

Post 10


I was winning until you bumped this to the top of ask!

Not the game

Post 11

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

The other day I was at a party with some chums and we started playing the word association drinking game. By the end of the game one chap was so drunk that he went off for a wander and we lost him. We were worried that he would get arrested because being a fancy dress party he was wearing chainmail and a long black cloak and wielding a huge sword! Anyway, he rang his ex girlfriend, whos womanly nurturing instinct compelled her to ring his mother. The next morning the only recollection he had of anything occuring after the game was that he knocked on some random person's door at about 1 in the morning and was told to **** off. When his mother appeared at the house the next morning to heave his hungover corpse away, she repeatedly drilled into his aching skull in a loud voice that drinking games are to be avoided at all costs.

See, I'm not talking about T** G***!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Not the game

Post 12

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

But you just did! Ah ha!

Not the game

Post 13

Existential Elevator

Tag! You're it!

Not the game

Post 14

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Just look at you, sitting there at your computer, quietly playing The Game to yourself!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Not the game

Post 15


Is this actually a game or just a way to pass time yelling at other people o_O

Not the game

Post 16

Mu Beta

Dammit all. I was successfully winning the game for about four years prior to this thread. smiley - cross


Not the game

Post 17

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

whats this thread all about?


Not the game

Post 18

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

Four years? Do you mean you actually knew about it and forgot for that long?! My friends from uni are constantly reminding both me and each other of it!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Not the game

Post 19

Mu Beta

Ah, you see, I'm rarely in touch with my my old Oxford chums.


Not the game

Post 20

Existential Elevator

So; I guess you to are both from Oxford? [wins the Nobel Prize for "duuuuuh"]

What's it actually *like* at Oxford? I only ask because I'm interested in going one of these days to study there... smiley - smiley

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