A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Headline Challenge

Post 241

Researcher U197087

This is a gimme.


Headline Challenge

Post 242

McKay The Disorganised

Peacock Seeks Greater Glory.

From Blue to Black

smiley - cider

Headline Challenge

Post 243

The Groob

Peacock keen to avoid the drop

Headline Challenge

Post 244

Icy North

A new one:

British holidaymaker receives compensation because his hotel is full of Germans:


Headlines, please?

Headline Challenge

Post 245

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

42 Intercontinentals, and I'm the one who forgets the smiley - towel. smiley - groan


smiley - musicalnote

Headline Challenge

Post 246

Icy North

Send me the money, or I'll do the silly walk.

Headline Challenge

Post 247

McKay The Disorganised

Claimant says he only mentioned it once - and they started it.

smiley - cider

Headline Challenge

Post 248


Surprised nobody's picked up on this little nugget

Biscuits are apparently key in clinching business deals.


Headline Challenge

Post 249

The Groob

When it comes to the crunch

Headline Challenge

Post 250

McKay The Disorganised

Richer Tea

smiley - cider

Headline Challenge

Post 251



Bumble-bee woman in shock birth
smiley - bigeyes

Headline Challenge

Post 252

Icy North

Worker finds herself in labour

"I only nectar" says father

Girl goes for apis on hen night

Headline Challenge

Post 253


One in a million: Something goes *out* Geordie woman's smiley - catin hen nite shocker!

Headline Challenge

Post 254

Researcher 815350

Ally Bee Staying in Blackpool Owen to Baby!

Headline Challenge

Post 255

Icy North

A new one:

Street sweep truck sucks up dog


"A street-sweeping truck has sucked a dog up through its bristles on a New York street, leaving its horrified owner holding nothing but the lead.

"Robert Machin, 57, had just finished walking his two Boston terriers in the Bronx and was about to load them into his car when the truck appeared.

"He recalls being whipped around, only to glimpse Ginger meeting her end in the sweeper's round brushes.

City sanitation officers described the dog's death as "rare and unfortunate".

Headlines please?

Headline Challenge

Post 256


Poocher Scooper

Headline Challenge

Post 257

Icy North

Missing dog case - police have a lead.

Headline Challenge

Post 258

Researcher 815350

Ginger meets prickly end.

Headline Challenge

Post 259


New York sanitation department broadens its definition of "litter"

Headline Challenge

Post 260

McKay The Disorganised

2Tough on grime. Tough on the causes of grime."

smiley - cider

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