A Conversation for LET THE PARTY COMMENCE hic -Pardon Me.

Betting pool

Post 41


There should be! But I seem to have so much to do at the moment... and I have just been given even more work! Oh well, no peace for the wicked, as they say!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Betting pool

Post 42

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Yes, it seems to me that the wicked have been picked on long enough. Surely it is time for the good to pay their dues.smiley - smiley

Betting pool

Post 43


shazz smiley - winkeye

Betting pool

Post 44

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

You are beautiful, Shazz. You radiate.smiley - smileyAli*

Betting pool

Post 45


*looks at all the shiny happy people in the bar*
Tell me more about the falls. The lights sound lovely. When I've done the jump I'll join you there and drink like a fish. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Betting pool

Post 46


~Greebo looks at the pool and shudders...~

Betting pool

Post 47

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

They are quite lovely. smiley - smiley The city is full of the usual tourist traps, but there are beautiful gardens and trees, as well. There are miles of scenic parks, and some beautiful old homes. The falls , themselves, are awesome. So much power. I believe we will have a great celebration there after your great feat. Everyone agrees you will succeed.smiley - smiley

Betting pool

Post 48

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Ahem! Not to cast doubts, but I have placed a bet against; $25. and a pan of brownies. I wish Coely luck, though.

*Raises brimming vt. to Coelacanth.*

Betting pool

Post 49


Hey everyone... you are cordially invited to me Pre Wedding bash... in the cellar... of the newly open Cheshire Grin Inn...


Betting pool

Post 50


Carrot juice only for me until 1st April.
Actually, there do not seem to be many bets placed FOR, but more AGAINST. Only Shazz has put down a large amount. smiley - smiley
Any more bets please?

Betting pool

Post 51


~Greebop grumbles a little... and then rummages a little more in her backpack...~ Here you go... she hands over 15 shiny new 10 pences... and a 5 pound note... ~grin~... thats all me has honest...

Betting pool

Post 52


*Gwennie produces a pair of her husbands old socks*

I don't have any money, but I'll lay these old cheesers down as COELateral against any wager......

Oh! I appear to have done it again.... It must be some sort of ailment *Shuffles off to Greebo's pre-nuptual bash in search of a cure or something.....* I'll be back smiley - winkeye

Betting pool

Post 53


Just GWEN will you stop making all these jokes? They smell as bad as the socks.
smiley - fish

Betting pool

Post 54


shazz smiley - winkeye

Betting pool

Post 55

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I'll be back, I want to wish Greebo best of everythings...

Betting pool

Post 56


*Long forgotten voice comes over intercom*

*clik* Umm...Hello...? This is the engine room. (how the hell did I end up in the engine room...and do I realy care?) .....we ah... seem to be taking on some water down here..smiley - sadface ...I'm no expert on boats but this just doesn't seem right. could someone please come down here to unlock the door? I don't believe I would enjoy drowning....*clik*

Betting pool

Post 57

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I know that voice!!!!

*Mari-rae rushes down to the engine room, unbolts the door and flings it open.*

Where have you BEEN? I lost you at the carnival in the Haunted House. How did you get HERE? You've been missing all the FUN!! Have you met Coelacanth yet? She thinks she can swim up Niagra Falls and I'm taking bets. Greebo T. Cat has announced her marriage in a couple weeks and we are all celebrating. Ulp! should it be this WET down here???!!

Betting pool

Post 58


Hello there!
BB rescued me from a burlap sack by the beach, so we have met already. I think you have found where I was storing the large snowball Phil sent me. He thought all the shovelling would be good excercise.
smiley - fish

Betting pool

Post 59


Yes I have returned! And will be around till monday morning. I don't know how I got here.smiley - smiley It's nice to...umm....read you again.smiley - fish

The engine room is not the best place for a giant snowball.

I only shovel after a few pints of guinness.....during the daylight hours it seems to give one super-dooper strength.smiley - winkeye

Betting pool

Post 60

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Honey, you look super-duper good! C'mon upstairs and lift one. We're watching Coely train for Sunday.

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