A Conversation for Spanish Customs

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 101

aka Bel - A87832164

Here are a couple of points that still need fixing.
First of akll: the foreign words have to be in italics.

smiley - star Hora Sexto - Hora Sexta

smiley - star Corpus Cristi - Christi

smiley - star where the preist will bless the animals - priest

smiley - star accedents over the comming year. - accidents, coming

smiley - star seven hundred and eleven AD- 711 AD

a 'exceptionally brave' - an exceptionally

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 102

Rudest Elf

"*Bangs his head against the wall*" You too, eh? smiley - biggrin

A few more:

originated in Andalusia [Andalucia (is the Spanish spelling)]

Because religion is very important in Spain, every area has a particular patron saint to which they pay homage and will throw what we would consider a huge party on their saint's day. [(I think this needs rephrasing; something like 'Because religion is so important in Spain, every town and most villages have their own patron saint. Once a year, the people pay homage to their saint by throwing what we would consider a huge party.]

It is to honour the saint San Fermin. [It is to honour Saint Fermin (I'm not sure of the policy here, but 'San' means saint)]

This Fiesta was started in the 1940's. [fiesta]

everyone will spend time with their families [family]

, it is a tradition to eat 12 grapes; [12 grapes, ]

so that they dodged the bulls on foot. [so that the bulls had to be dodged on foot (in the origional, 'they' seems to refer to the masses)]

The show will usually end with the death of a bull, although on some occasions a 'exceptionally brave' bull will be spared. [The show will usually end with the death of [the] bull, although on some occasions [an exceptionally brave] bull will be spared.

I have been called (yelled at) for dinner - I'll check back later...

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 103

Rudest Elf


Erm, scrub that - it's the English spelling ('Andalusia') that you want. smiley - doh

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 104

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - ok tried to catch everything but I'm not promising anything since it's early again smiley - erm

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 105


I would really like to see the Siesta section omitted as this is a brief run down of what tourists might like to do and I don't think that it's very interesting to watch someone take a nap. Also I'm not sure if Weddings really fits. It's nice to know -- to say for instance -- why the bride is wearing black, but a wedding is not usually a tourist destination. But everything else is quite interesting. As much as I've heard about the running of the bulls, I never knew that it is part of a religous festival. Two thumbs up. smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 106

aka Bel - A87832164

>> as this is a brief run down of what tourists might like to do and I don't think that it's very interesting to watch someone take a nap.<<
Not, quite, this is about Spanish customs, so it's importatnt for tourists to know that a siesta may still be held( although I've been told it's becoming less and less popular)
>> Also I'm not sure if Weddings really fits. It's nice to know -- to say for instance -- why the bride is wearing black, but a wedding is not usually a tourist destination.<<

Again, this is a Spanish custom, whether a tourist might attend a wedding or not.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 107


When there is a wedding being held at the cathedral here in Sevilla it's very common to see tourists waiting in the square for the bride to come out so they can take photos of her.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 108

Rudest Elf

I don't know what others think, Cal, but the Entry seems to me to peter out. Have you thought of writing a snappy final paragraph to round it off?

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 109

Rudest Elf

p.s. How's the head now?

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 110

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I'm really sorry to all of you who have helped with this entry, I am very grateful for it, but I've decided to pull this entry from PR.

Besides look on the bright side you won't have to put up with me any more smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 111

aka Bel - A87832164

I can imagine how you feel, Cal, been there, done that etc. smiley - hug
Maybe resubmit it when you feel more positve about it? smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 112

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Thanks B but it's not going to happen smiley - smiley

I had an awakening when someone asked me how I felt about the entries that I already have in the EG, I hate every one of them bar one. Which is sad because I only have 3 in there to begin with.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 113

aka Bel - A87832164

I liked the one about your grandma which wa on the FP recently, don't know about the others. I think we were nearing conclusion with this one, though. smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 114

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - hug thats the one I like too

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 115

aka Bel - A87832164

Good smiley - biggrin
Best let this rest one for a while, until you feel different and more posistive, then submit it again. Think about it, promise? smiley - hug

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 116

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

No B Peer review is not for me, you have to please all of the people all of the time, which is an impossible task, and I'm not prepared to run myself ragged trying to do it anymore

Thanks for your help though smiley - hug as I said I'm very graeful for yours and everyone elses input smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 117

aka Bel - A87832164

Hey, you don't have to please everybody all the time; if you have a reason for not following a suggestion, you can say it - not every suggestion can be included, as we all know. smiley - smiley
If the request isn't sensible, the other peer reviewres will support you anyway. smiley - ok

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 118

Rudest Elf

Cal, of course I'm disappointed anyway, but I'd be even more so if I thought my comments have helped push you to make this decision smiley - footinmouth .

As B'Elana suggests, a good break might well restore your enthusiasm for this (your) project.

I hope you reconsider.

smiley - cheerup

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 119

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Don't worry Rudest Elf your completely free from foot in mouth diease smiley - winkeye

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 120

Rudest Elf

smiley - ok

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