A Conversation for Spanish Customs

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 81


oddly enough this laptop has an m that doesn't want to work on occasion.. I've caught tons of oopsies that are lacking an m or several..

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 82

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Maybe you could swap keyboards with B'Elana? Missing m's would be a change from missing b's smiley - biggrin

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 83


smiley - erm but then she couldn't be M'elana and I wouldn't be able to work for Bicrosoft.. smiley - biggrin

smiley - yikes

* smiley - runs since she's no longer contributing anything useful*

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 84

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rofl

*Then remember's PR is a serious place* smiley - geek

smiley - devilsmiley - angel

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 85

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

With referance to post 75:

I wasn't being difficult at all, I was just pointing out that I could find anything on the celebration, which has also been confirmed by Batty.

I think it highly inapproprate for a scout to react that way, to being told no information can be found on a particular subject, it's one thing thats all, that hasn't gone in, I took on board AZ's suggestions and if you care to re-read the entry things have been changed accordenly.

Two ACE's (Batty and Lil) have felt the need to jump in here now because of this. Batty hardly ever comments on PR and lil, likes to keep a safe distance from my bubbling under the surface Spanish temper.

I'm sorry but I expect better from the scouts as a whole. I do not expect them to throw a paddy over information that I, nor anyone else can find.

As for listing every single fiesta, as I have explained in this thread before I was trying to list the more popular/famous fiesta's. Again this entry is not just about fiesta but of spanish customs as a whole.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 86


Just a couple of grammar/spelling things:

"Holy Thusday" ... Thursday, obviously. smiley - smiley

"before hopping in the plane, train or automobile."

We hop *on* a plane or train and *in* or *into* a car. Perhaps it would be best to leave the preposition out altogether? And I think the indefinite article works better here:

before hopping a plane, train or automobile.


A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 87

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Thanks az all done smiley - biggrin

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 88

Rudest Elf

Posting 75 does seem a little harsh, but I think you'll agree that the entry, as it stands, contains quite a number of easily rectifiable errors. If we deal with some of the more obvious ones, perhaps Skankrich will be encouraged to return to the thread.

I'm no expert, so don't feel you have to accept all of the following suggestions......(but, if you want to stay healthy...smiley - biggrin ):

hopping in the plane, train or automobile. (how about 'hopping *into* a plane, train or automobile'?)

guitar playing, hand clapping and finally the well-known foot stomps
(I think 'foot *stomping*' reads better)

the dance is based on a bull fight, [bullfight]

This, of course, is probably based [remove ', of course,' (it's *probably* based)]

nap generally taken after a small mid-day meal. ['taken after lunch' would be more accurate. By the way, lunch is not a "small mid-day meal". It's the main meal of the day for the majority of Spaniards, and it's not usually taken before 2pm - I have mine at about 3.30pm.]

If you get a chance to go to a Fiesta, [fiesta (only capitalised with the name of a particular fiesta)]

First,some Fighting Bulls are released. [First, some....]

more people joined the festivities . [...the festivities.]

This is a messy but very fun celebration ('very enjoyable'?)

Semana Santa is a week long celebration [week-long]

processions continue all night long [all night long.]

This is a sort of day where [the sort of day when]

it is tradition to eat 12 grapes; [customary (or *a* tradition) to eat 12 grapes,...]

peeling grapes, yourself. [peeling grapes yourself.]

Bull Fighting [Bullfighting]

performed on horse back. [horseback.]

neck area by the Picadores [picadores (but 'picadors' might be preferred (by them up there)].

This lasts for about 10 minutes before the Matador will perform his dance, [the matador performs his dance,] (After the Picador has done his work, it is the turn of the banderilleros, who run on with a barbed spear (banderillo) held high in each hand which they stab into the back of the beast causing further loss of blood...only *then* does the matador take over.)

he will attempt to side step [sidestep]

The show will always end with the death of a bull. (Not true; it's quite rare, but some exceptionally brave bulls *are* spared:

the bride tends to go for the popular white. (white dress/gown/etc?)

accompanied down the aisle with [accompanied.......by]

Best of luck with the Entry.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 89

Rudest Elf

Apologies to Skankyrich for misspelling the name (or indeed for using it in vain).

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 90

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I'm sure he won't take offence Rudest Elf smiley - smiley

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 91

Rudest Elf

Thanks for that, lil. [I've just had a quick peek at his space - looks like a good guy to have around.] To bed. G'night!

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 92

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Goodnight love.. I'm on my way too smiley - sleepy

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 93

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Thanks RF all done

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 94

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

RF sorry having and early morning moment smiley - blush RE

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 95

Rudest Elf

No probs, Cal - as you can see, I make my fair share of mistakes.

One or two things you didn't alter (or didn't agree with) and some I missed last night:

, not all fiesta's will generate a national holiday. 1 [fiestas]

until they reach the bull ring [bullring]

and just to make things more interesting, [and, ....,]

in the town of Buñol. It is a week long celebration [week-long]

hurled at whoever might find themselves being a target. ('...might find themselves within range.' sounds better to me)

tomatoes...thrown at officials or just passers by. [passers-by]

This is a sort of day when everyone will spend time [the sort of day]

Then, the Matador performs his dance, [If you don't fancy mentioning the banderilleros, perhaps you should say 'Later, the matador performs his dance' (or somesuch) - this isn't an Entry solely about bullfighting, after all.]

on some occasions a 'brave' bull will be spared. [They are *all* brave (toros bravos), that's why I suggested 'exceptionally brave'.]

I think we are getting somewhere smiley - smiley .

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 96

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

sorry Rudest Elf it was just stuff I missed in my early morning haze but hopefully I've now done it all.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 97

Rudest Elf

Erm, Cal, it's now 7.30pm (Spanish time) and the changes suggested in posting 95 have not been made to the Entry yet.

Also, I've just noticed that you've altered the heading 'Bull Fighting' to read 'BullFighting' - it should be 'Bullfighting'.

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 98

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*Bangs his head against the wall*

I logged out forgetting to press the 'update' button

*bangs head some more*

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 99

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Done and yes this time I did click update

*rolls his eyes at himself*

A14022947 - Spanish Customs

Post 100

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

right with the help of a friend I have now managed to find some info on Dia De San Anton and have added that too

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