A Conversation for Changes to h2g2

Mmm... honey! ??

Post 21



Mmm... honey! ??

Post 22



Come on guys! Does nobody around here read Pratchett?

Mmm... honey! ??

Post 23

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Sure we do Whisky, we're just ignoring you.

smiley - ale

Mmm... honey! ??

Post 24


smiley - wah

sad, lonely little 'oook'

Mmm... honey! ??

Post 25


Mmm... honey! ??

Post 26


Er... my mistake smiley - smiley Sorry

By the way, who's writing these? Ol' Blue Eyes?

smiley - blacksheep

Mmm... honey! ??

Post 27

Keseral - lost...

no idea...

Aw, cheer up whiskysmiley - cheerup

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