A Conversation for Cat-egories

I never did understand that game...

Post 21

Post Team

No... the joke is actually Woodbine... honest... ~grin~


I never did understand that game...

Post 22


Not the joke I was thinking about, but very good Greebs smiley - smiley

I never did understand that game...

Post 23

Post Team

Hmmm... are you patternizing me?

(Not grouchy yet... but definately looking distinctly uncomfortable)

I never did understand that game...

Post 24


Absolutely not! smiley - hug You're a brilliant cat.

Er... why would I patternize you? smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

I never did understand that game...

Post 25

Post Team

Yes me is brilliant... ~haunty look~... me just hates being patternized... bad form and all that rot...


(Now looking slightly grouchy and very uncomfortable)

I never did understand that game...

Post 26


How long 'til I beat Jodan @ reading this week's Post? smiley - evilgrin

I never did understand that game...

Post 27

Post Team

Will you be needing a big stick?


~A loud gurgling sound can now be heard from Greebo's not petite belly~

I never did understand that game...

Post 28


*slides smiley - donut across table*

I never did understand that game...

Post 29

Post Team

~Greebo takes doughnut~

~Greebo eats doughnut~

~Greebo's belly makes an extra loud gurgle~

~Greebo looks slightly green~

Oh my!!!!


I never did understand that game...

Post 30


smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - milk

Oh Greebs... *fetches pail*

You poisoned her! *kicks HPB*

smiley - blacksheep

I never did understand that game...

Post 31


*covers Jodan in smiley - donuts*

smiley - envy

I never did understand that game...

Post 32

Post Team


~Greebo falls over and lies still with her legs in the air~

~Tis not looking good cat fans... is Greebo no more... Can she be saved... Does anyone care????~

~Tune in next week... Same Cat Time... Same Cat Channel~

~Start of cheesy music~


I never did understand that game...

Post 33


smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

This can't be the end of Greebo!!

*waits for next week*

Ooh, it just became sooner smiley - bigeyes

smiley - blacksheep

I never did understand that game...

Post 34


"... and now for another episode of gardeners world with Alan Tichmarsh..." smiley - winkeye

Maybe we should start a campaign... SAVE GREEBS!

Has a ring to it don't you think?

I never did understand that game...

Post 35

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I've always wanted a boot-polisher with a long handle...

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