A Conversation for Cat-egories

I never did understand that game...

Post 1


Thanks for defining it Greebs smiley - winkeye

I never did understand that game...

Post 2

Post Team

Nor me Jodan... this one is far more easier to understand... and me suspects more fun as well.. ~grin~


I never did understand that game...

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Would you breed the winner or eat him?

I never did understand that game...

Post 4

Post Team

Hmmm... tough question... me supposes me would be tempted to eat him if he were made of dough... cooked in some REALLY hot oil... and then rolled in sugar for a while... otherwise me doesn't think so.. rat tails must be terribe when the get stuck between your teeth...


I never did understand that game...

Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

One of the hazards of eating fast food...

smiley - mouseI resent that.

smiley - mouseI have brought my lawyer to make sure you stop talking like that.smiley - shark

smiley - sharkI've had fast food with tails before, but none so sleek and cute as yours!

smiley - sharksmiley - mouse

smiley - shark Burp!

I never did understand that game...

Post 6

Post Team

smiley - rofl

shazz smiley - thepost

I never did understand that game...

Post 7

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

That new smiley - rofl thingie looks like a French aristocrat who missed the basket. Which means two points less for their team, don't it?

I never did understand that game...

Post 8

Post Team

Doesn't look like it's laughing to me... looks quite sad actually... almost depressed.. but then if me was having my head cut off me perhaps wouldn't be looking to happy about it...


I never did understand that game...

Post 9


smiley - rofl
smiley - grovel

Looks like a beheaded smiley to me smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

I never did understand that game...

Post 10

Post Team

But then you think that black thing you use as a signature is a sheep... and not an ominous dark cloud spelling doom and disaster!!!


I never did understand that game...

Post 11


A sheep is just a cloud with legs smiley - smiley

I never did understand that game...

Post 12

Post Team

Clouds don't have legs... me knows this... they would have told me about them when me was doing my Feline Weather Sense Exam...


I never did understand that game...

Post 13


What do you call a smiley - sheep without legs? smiley - smiley

I never did understand that game...

Post 14

Post Team



I never did understand that game...

Post 15


A cloud smiley - ok

I never did understand that game...

Post 16

Post Team

No... tis Woodbine me tells you...


I never did understand that game...

Post 17

Post Team

No... tis Woodbine me tells you...


I never did understand that game...

Post 18


A cloud smiley - smiley

I never did understand that game...

Post 19

Post Team



I never did understand that game...

Post 20


Alright Greebs smiley - smiley The joke is a cloud, but your answer is much better

smiley - donut

smiley - blacksheep

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