A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 41

Pink Paisley


I have never been one to baulk at paying ANY taxes. They have to be paid and all I ask is for them to be reasonably fair.

We will all pay taxes to support things we don't use and don't want (I doubt that I get my money's worth out of tax paid to the rail companies to support them for instance). But I would suggest again (since I have done somewhere here before), that the tax situation with regard to motorists is wrong.

Fuel duty ought to be much greater than it is and there needs to be a link between tax raised this way and the maintainence of the road network. The road fund license should go.

This way, those that use the roads most, pay most for them. Goods carried by road may become more expensive. That is a reflection of the benefit of the road system to the end user.

I would lose out this way being an above average mileage road user. Yes, people in the country would complain that their car is essential. I live in a town and so is mine. Without it I don't work. Or get to those places that I wish to in my leisure time (which is usually the country).

Robyn, your journey sounds horrible. Would it be cheaper to use a car? It would certainly add to congestion (I drove from the edge of York to the football ground last Saturday. 2.5 miles took 1.25 hours). But you would always get a seat. My employers are encouraging working from home wherever possible:-

1. That would be an unwelcome invasion of my personal space. I don't need the division between work and home blurred any more than it already is.
2. I wouldn't get any work done - I'd be poking around H2G2 all the time!


Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 42

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Hiya PP smiley - smiley

Yeah, I do drive when my car's working! smiley - smiley I was on the bus over the winter because my car was out of action. It was pretty grim! I try to use the bus but the expense Vs the flexibility and useability doesn't come out on the side of it being terribly user-friendly. A major reason why I will not get rid of my car simply because taxes go up. I also work ten till six so miss the main rush hour traffic (thankfully!)

I suspect that one of the reasons for the annual car tax is that they get to keep tabs on what's on the road and what's not (because every year you have to tell them where it is and who it belongs to and what it's doing, whether it's being used - and therefore taxed, or off the road and therefore SORN). It's sort of a census that we pay for. Otherwise I'd possibly agree with you, get rid of it and pay higher fuel prices.

I still think if we tackled bad driving and took those without the correct attitude and ability off the road, you'd reduce the number of cars, too. If you dont have the confidence, awareness, competence and empathy to drive safely and well then you shouldn't drive. but again, we need a GOOD alternative and our current public transport system is worse than awful (and/or prohibitively expensive) almost all over the country, and especially between urban areas.

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 43


September 1st......2010.....0030..hours


Petrol at my local garage is currently £1.10. Last month it was £1.17... How can this dintly little garage lower so much, yet the likes of the big garages still charge £1.15 at the cheapest??

A mystery I hear you all cry.....

eitherway, I hope it goes down more, because come new year they estimate an average of £1.25 to £1.40 a litre...across the UK.

Anyway petrol patrol will update again in a few weeks.....

Keep checking and putting your own additions on this conversation...

Andy Orchardsmiley - cool

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 44

You can call me TC

At the risk of comparing apples with oranges, it seems to have settled at around 1.35 Euros per litre here. We generally fill up as long as the price is under 1.40 and the tank is less than half full. There's nothing you can do about it - you don't want to get caught out halfway along the motorway to somewhere.

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 45


November 2010 UPDATE

My local garage is now £1.17......The big brand name garages are around about the same price.

It would seem my earlier investigation was correct...petrol will go up considerably within the new year, averaging at £1.27 a litre...

These increases in petrol aswell as tax may make me give up my pride and joy. Proberly have to go for something economic, like a C1smiley - sadface or even a Toyota Prius, the cars that nobody wants to drive.

I've got a theory...the government know and have the technology to create a free reusable energy source...but like every greedy government, this wont come out into the open until all coal, oil is spent.....

Petrol Patrol out

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 46

Pink Paisley

There is clearly local price fixing going on.

If I buy a box of Cornflakes at my local supermarket, I can be pretty sure that the same box will be the same price at the same supermarket chain 10 miles down the road.

Not so petrol bought at supermarkets. I am not sure what the local price pressures are, but everything concerning delivery and supply incurs the same costs at both. Of course, they will sell at the highest price they can, they are not philanthropists, I know that, but it does all feel a bit wrong somehow.


Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 47

MonkeyS- all revved up with no place to go

To be honest, I don't keep an eye on the price of petrol. I usually put £20.00 worth in my car, and I get approx 200 miles out of it, which isn't bad considering I commute across a busy city twice a day.

Don't fill your car to the brim, as all the extra weight is actually not very fuel efficient.

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 48

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Supermarket prices on food change across the country as well. our local T**** is in a constant price war with the scallop garage less then half a km away. It's the cheapest scallop I've seen anywhere and they sometimes move faster on their prices and undercut the supermarket smiley - smiley

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 49

You can call me TC

I meant to post here a couple of weeks ago after we had been to Spain on holiday. Petrol there was a good 20 cents cheaper than here in Germany: 1.17 Euros per litre as opposed to our 1.37 Euros per litre at the moment here.

Are those pounds, euros or dollars in your post, Andy? My browser can't parse the character.

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 50

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

smiley - grr 1,37 €xpensives for one litre of petrol...h*ll, I remember paying 59 pfennigs for a litre of petroil mix for my moped and I can´t be really old, or am I ?smiley - wah

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 51

Taff Agent of kaos


you sure it wasn't for your trabbysmiley - winkeye

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - bat

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 52

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Never had that little clockwork monster. But my dad was as blueeyed as to buy a Wartburg ( 3cylinder 2stroke engine ) 25 liters per 100 Km translate as yards per gallon.smiley - sadface

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 53


Are you telling me that the wonderful Wartburg swallowed 25 liters??? I hope you are talking about the 311, not the 353? The 311 did look ever so cool, especially the station wagon type.


Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 54

Malabarista - now with added pony

My brother-in-law drove a Wartburg until about two years ago, and said it was quite fuel efficient!

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 55

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

So my dad had managed to get himself a lemon...again?
smiley - wah Then that must be an ability I´ve inherited from him.

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 56

Taff Agent of kaos


don't be bitter about itsmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 57

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

I ain´t. But that Hercules that was nearly new and later turned out to have done Marshal duty in the ISDT...smiley - laughsmiley - wahsmiley - laugh

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 58

Taff Agent of kaos


smiley - sheep

smiley - run

smiley - bat

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 59



These prices I put are displayed as pound sterling.

Petrol near me is now £1.25.9p.....

Maybe its time I got rid of the 1.8 for something a little less expensive...maybe a 1.25 Fiesta lol


use my push bike lol

Orchard....standing by

Petrol Prices - The Daily Problems

Post 60

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

Andy, have a giggle if you have friends in the US - convert €xpensive petrol into mega$$$ per gallon.smiley - laugh

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