A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat


Post 1


What to do if you get caught in the rain while walking somewhere?


Post 2


Get wet smiley - laugh

Obvious, really.

Seriously, though, I always carry a small umbrella just in case.


Post 3


I don't like umbrella's, they are dangerous and could take your eye out and they catch the wind and you could fly over the roof tops. I just get wet, enjoy it and look forward to getting dry with a hot chocolate.


Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

"If you like Pina Coladas
And getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you'd like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the Cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape."


Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Wear a Gigantic tricorn hat at all times, it also helps protect against seagull droppings, extreme sunlight and 'normal' peple who otherwise might constatly bother you as you walk down the street in your leather shorts.


Post 6


smiley - space
i have found that it is best to wear as little as possible whilst walking or otherwise perambulating through the rain... smiley - smiley


Post 7


Life would be much easier without any rain though. Just hate getting my feet wet, don't know why though...
Don't mind even snow..
...but rain - something really really really awkward..


Post 8


Exactly, the more clothes you wear colder you get afterwards when they turn into wet rag on you...chilly


Post 9


smiley - space
precisely! smiley - geek

so if caught in the rain? take all your clothes and footwear off to stay warmer!! smiley - spacesmiley - run


Post 10


Anyway, did waterproof things work for anybody anytime?


Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yes. The cheap ones are utterly usefulless and do nothing except make you sweat inside them and so get wet in an alternative way smiley - yuk or of course useually have leaking seems and a porely designed to ensure that water can seep in everywehre. Now, on the other hadn, having done a goodly deal of hiking often in very* wet conditions, a few hundred quid on a decent breathable waterproof top and trousers and maybe a pair of gaiters too was money worth spent. Of course, for day to day non hiking in the wilds type things, I find a leather jacket to be waterproof, and a wool flat cap good to keep the rain of my golden locks smiley - huhsmiley - winkeye Of course, a dgood downpore whilst out and about is an ideal excuess to dive into the nearest pub and get very wet on the inside of oneself smiley - magicsmiley - ale


Post 12

Einmoto - CoachAntony

Okay rain is rain, but dew is even more hazardous for the wet-foot syndrome (re: SleepingPanda).

I recently bought myself new running shoes and went out running. Because we live in the countryside I got wet feet very quickly - I thought to myself, what's the point of having breathable shoes when they let in rain/dew.


Post 13


Dew is great, of course in summer time. There is a belief that it's very good for you, especially morning dew.
Anyway, to avoid dew it is best to keep off all grassy patches. But if it's raining - it's everywhere.
So dew is not that bad...
Many nice titles have word dew in itsmiley - biggrin


Post 14

Einmoto - CoachAntony

D(r)ew Barrymore?


Post 15


Nice girl,is she?
Name Dew would suit her all right


Post 16

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I like the rain, I dont like the overcast grey.

I like rain when I can have warm and dry and cosy. Listening to rain falling outside when you're in a spacious, warm tent with someone to snuggle up to, a hot water bottle keeping your toes warm, and knowing nothing's touching the sides and your tent IS waterproofed is unbeatable. Especially when you wake to a reasonable temperature, not causing you to sweat from your eyeballs the moment you wake up and can climb out, do your toilet stuff, get the fire going again for breakfast all while watching the rain slowly dry off everything, the drops shimmering and rainbowing and sparkling in the sunrise...


It's also fun when it's really RANTING down, like you're under a waterfall. Only for a few minutes at a time though. It can be scary for those near loose earth or below large rivers though...

I love good interesting weather.

I cant stand boring, dull grey days! smiley - sadface


Post 17

Einmoto - CoachAntony

I also have very fond memories of camping with just this in mind.

Grey dull boring days are a bummer ... any ideas what to do when the come by? HooToo, perhaps?

Love the hot-water bottle and cuddles!!smiley - cool


Post 18


A hot-water-bottle? Camping????


Post 19

Einmoto - CoachAntony

I'd prefer a 5 star hotel but my wife likes camping ...


Post 20

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

ok, there's degrees of camping. I like semi-rough. I like to have a big chopping board, a nice sharp knife, proper saucepans and a big old frying pan... I like to make curries, spag bol, pancakes, cooked brekfasts on camp fires. And you just boil loads of water before you go to bed, make your cocoa and fill up your hottie bottle, chuck it in bed and by the time you've finished your hot chocolate, bed's ready to climb into and the fire's burned down enough to bank it a little and leave it warm so there might be an ember to revive it from in the morning so you can boil more water for tea while you get 'tent' out of your eyes and body smiley - smiley

I also prefer to have a real duvet if possible. If no air bed, then two or three duvets and real pillows make camping a pleasure.

I can do 'hard' camping (sleeping bag, small tent, trangia stove, sleeping roll if you're lucky) but I prefer to do nice softish camping. years of living out of a tent with a semi-permanent camp fire at festivals with my mum I think smiley - smiley I like to settle in and nest up! I can cope with a spade for toilet fecilities and so long as you have a washing up bowl and enough space in your tent's porch (I do) you have all the washing facilities you'll need.

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