A Conversation for FREAK


Post 81


Have you finished about the undressed. I am so glad not my favourite subject. I agree that children see no wrong in nudity thinking their body is dirty is inflicted upon the innocent by nasty minds.

I like cats very much but we don't have one simply because my husband thinks that they are spiteful creatures and I know he is wrong about that but they do always end up scratching him.

At the moment the PM of England is looking a bit of a prat he looks as if he has his head up the bottom of the US president and the UK newspapers are picking up on the fact that Bush is not very respectful to him. At one point even shouting across the room "Yo Blair".

Our car is the biggest automobile on this small island and my husband loves the attention he gets. He adores being up there in his big old car. I am not familiar with your Ford is it an American job?

You remind me of a friend of mum's who always took two sweets one for herself and one for Ron of course as a child I could never figure out who Ron was but there you go. Must say I do like the colour of your vehicle. Chillie Pepper Red. Years ago I used to fance Candy Apple Red but we never got one our cars are always conservative colours.


Post 82

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Afraid I'm a bit depressed today. Kanga the cat has been sick all night. I've been crook for too long, and the weather is not real good either. Funny about the cat. She has been running around like a little kitten for the last couple of weeks and now this. She has these sick spells sometimes, too often really, and usually gets over them. The vets don't seem to help. Things seem to pile up on one sometimes don't they. I feel guilty about playing golf today, but hanging around being miserable wont help either of us.

Ford is an American company but the Australian version is mostly built here. Like most countries in the world today it is never a sure thing that what you buy was made here and not in Asia. Hard to be patriotic when you are waving an Australian flag that was made in China. That is really 'bogus'.


Post 83


Is kanga a long haired cat sometimes they have fur balls which cause them to lose appetite and get sick> I had a beautiful ginger tom and he was long haired and had the occassional sick day.

Vet's tell me about them you would be better off looking on the internet for ideas re cat health.

Sorry to hear you are feeling down the weather that has so much to do with the way we feel. You are right to go out staying home feeling miserable is not going to help you or kanga.

If she is not eating don't worry just make sure she gets plenty to drink. I have been arranging for my dog and myself to fly back to the uk he will fly in a cage sort of thing I hate to do it but it has to be done. The flight from Barbados is about 8 hours.

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugfor kanga.


Post 84

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Thanks for the kind thoughts about Kanga. I just got back from golf and was greeted by a hungry Kanga. She had a feed and is now lounging in front of the radiator. Yes she is a long hair though not a long long hair. She had a heat stroke last summer and as part of the treatment she was clipped back except for her head and tail. Quite comical.
I played another lousy game. I think I may be self destructing. We had some heavy rain during the game which did not help.

Saturday is supposed to be fine and 16C, so I wont have any excuse, but then it is foursomes which is a lousy game.

Quarantine is a nuisance for you and your dog but a necessary evil. Dogs are not allowed into Oz without quarantine either. It is a constant battle for customs to keep unwanted diseases out. Unwanted people too I suppose.

I feel a bit better today. The company of congenial people and being greeted by a happy cat was a big help.


Post 85


Glad to hear Kanga is back on her feet. I wish animals came with a health warning that they can seriously get into your heart.

I just love my dog so much as you obviously love Kanga, my dog is in my heart now and I cannot leave him behind although he is costing us a small fortune. Its crazy as people over hear don't give a toss about dogs or cats so to see us they think we are weird.

I wish you the very must of luck and hope you play well on Saturday.
I am madly packing. I have moved so many times and each time I say never again. So here I go again. Never again will I unpack this stuff unless it is staying put for good.


Post 86


While I was packing I found a post card that I have had for donkeys years. I thought of you and your Scots background and thought you would be interested how the Scots have managed to put their special mark on our world.



Post 87

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Thanks for the kind thoughts and the Scot site. I have to go out shortly so I have put it on my favourites to look at later. I can never move from my place as I have a mountain of accumulated debris that looms threateningly over me and haunts my waking dreams. Probably contributes to my depression. Sigh.


Post 88


I think that is why I move so often when the debris gets too bad I move, rather like selling a car when the ash tray is full.

I have been totally spoiled over the last year having to do no housework the lady who comes in and cleans for me is very cheap and she does the laundry and heavy cleaning just leaving me to do the cooking and washing up and a little at weekends.

When I go back to the UK it is going to be hard to get back into domestic chores. Getting nervous about travelling alone. My husband needs to stay here to tie up the last bits and pieces.

The Scots site is a bit special, and makes you feel that you have some pretty honourable blood swooshing around in your veins. I love the stories of the enemy being afraid of the men who wore kilts or skirts as they thought. Even the women were warriors and I hope I have that fearless, what's next attitude. We shall see.


Post 89

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Funny thing about what's next, whether you are fearless or fearful, it goes ahead and happens anyway. I am not very good at planning ahead, or rather I think of something that might be a good idea to do, and then put it in the 'for future reference' drawer. The trouble with thinking I'll do things tomorrow is that it is always today.

I got distracted with a link you put in *What just happened* and wandered about in it and now I am out of time. Your fault. Post you later.


Post 90


Not feeling to brave at the moment. Will be travelling back to the UK on Wednesday arriving on Thursday morning. It is th first time that I have travelled this far alone and I must admit to being afraid.

I am also worried about arriving back in England, with my dog, my suitcase and a smile. I will have to stay with relatives for a while and I just hate that idea. No matter how good you are as a house guest you are an invader and with the dog I feel more so.

I worry about my husband who I treat like a GOD I do everything for him and he has learned to rely on me. It is my fault we should all make each other independent but like I have learned to rely on him for so many things, he relies on me. It is good to be your own person, then when life throws things at you you can deal with them alone.

Sorry to be so maudlin today. But I will be better soon, I tend to be that way very low one minute and the next I am full of hope and positive thoughts.

Hope you and Kanga are well and that the golf game went well too.


Post 91

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

I suppose when changes come upon us we all tend to worry. I have led such a cloistered life than my resourcefulness has seldom been tested.
In one way I have lived alone all my life, never being able to be close to another person, and now I have dwelt alone for the last almost thirty years. I cannot imagine having any woman treat me like a GOD! I think it would worry me that she would one day see me as I truly am and run screaming from my presence, crying something like, "Save me from the sin of worshipping a false God." I'm afraid we all have feet of clay, or some such sticky mess. But then, I am a cynic.

I suppose you will be off the E-ther for a while when you relocate? Not too long I hope. Our conversations have had me thinking at odd angles which has been good for my turbid brain cells.

We played a nine hole social game on Sunday and I managed to win the putting comp. The prize was a pair of socks, which was very nice! Kanga is well at the moment. I hope you are not separated from dog too much.
Pets can be a great comfort, when they are not worrying you sick, or driving you mad.

Don't worry about your OH too much. It is only husbands in American sit-coms who are hopeless idiots when their wives are not there to look after them. Of course you will be missed, and rightly so. Admit it, you would be peeved if you weren't.smiley - smiley


Post 92


As ever you it the nail on the head and I would be very upset if I were not missed. You would be surprised women are strange beings and loved to be needed even by false gods.

Women are very different from men although women would pretend that they want to be the same. Men are very straight forward and say what they mean. It is only women who try to read into the poor mans conversation things that are not there.

For instance in all my life I have never heard a man say "Have I upset you?" to his friend. It is usually women who also say "That will change once we are married" Women never really like the bloke they marry, they try and change after he has signed up.

I will be out of ear shot for a while but I hope it won't be long too as I shall miss our conversations too.


Post 93

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Bon voyage! Hasta la vista! Va ya con Dios! Fair skies and a following wind! And any other sayings I am not able to think of at this time.
Lotsa luck!!smiley - winkeye


Post 94


Right back attcha. I mean all the luck stuff.

Everythig seems to be going quite well, one or two hitches which is fine if it went without a hitch damn I would be worried.

Dog been checked out ok to fly that should be interesting only ever seen an elephant fly before.

I am sorted out have someone to pick me up and to put me up for a few days before hubs arrives. Then we will be on our way to the North of England to stay with mum until we find something to rent and then onwards again to buy.

This time next year I will be interested in what is happening to me. I hope I use words like bored, and fed up with these four walls and wouldn't it be nice to have a bit of a change.


Post 95


Well I am back and as bad as ever, finally I have internet, I have somewhere to live and most of our stuff has arrived in the container. Already I am complaining about the English weather, but it is English weather that I am complaining about and that is what they do here.

How have you been for the past weeks, and have you missed me. The dog is loving the coolness of the English summer and he enjoying getting more excersise just like me.

I actually travelled on the day when everyone was talking about terrorists and Heathrow Airport was closed meaning that everyone went to the same airport that I was going too. It was a bit scary but I was brave and got through it all. They kept the dog overnight in quarantine as they were not sure whether or not he had had the tick and worm medication that he was supposed to have and the records they got from the vet in the Caribbean did not make it clear.

Good thing they did not want him to stay longer as it cost nearly £200 per night.

Well now I am email friendly agian I hope we can talk again best wishes to Kanga


Post 96

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

It is beaut to have you back again C.C. I was beginning to think the amputation might be permanent. I imagine returning to your home country must be a comforting thing in spite of all the upheaval of moving, and the changed atmosphere caused by the insane bomber bug gers.
We are coming out of winter here, which can bea slow process sometimes
but today has been a beautiful blue-sky soft-breeze day. Such days should be appreciated to the full as there not all that many in a year. The worst of it is that we are made to feel guilty about good weather because we have a water shortage. If our government spent as much money on solving our water problems as he does on being a great mate to Bush we could have solved the problem by now.
As for me, well, I'm still standing but I wobble quite a bit. The damned arthur and poxy prostate are a worry but I still get to play golf twice a week. Badly but! At my age small mercies are to be snatched at. So many of my contemporaries have fallen off the twig already.
Kanga has been pretty good lately. She has been enjoying the fine day and making little dashes across the yard. Another small blessing to be thankful for, and I am!smiley - biggrin


Post 97


Great to be back I can tell you. Being without email is no joke. I even missed my mobile phone which I complain about constantly.

Yes being home is perfect. As you slip into spring England glides on her belly into Autumn. The days are lovely as you describe but it is now getting chilly in the evenings.

We are living in the North of England which makes it cooler and wetter. Do you ever get to see Corination Street in Oz for that is about where we are at.

We have found a place to rent that would accept having a dog. We are now both sending off applications for jobs. We are also remembering to do the lottery so that we could become millionairs and not have to work again which would be so nice.

Glad Kanga is enjoying the sunshine. My dog is loving the climate too and spends time playing with other dogs at the back of our house there is a field and people use it to walk their dogs and our bloke likes to meet them over there. It is good to watch them play at wrestling.

Again, I am so glad to be back again talk again soon


Post 98

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

It is early Thursday morning and I am not much of a morning person. Actually, I am not much of an any time person lately. If I was a castle you would call me a crumbling edifice. If I was a car you would not try to trade me in, just drive me to the tip and walk away. And not look back.
Isn't that strange? A small voice from the past (and I'm not sure it is right) just told me that you must not start a sentence with a conjunction.
I missed a lot of schooling when I was young. Hated it! I was a hell of a mess what with the paruresis thing and a hypersensitivity. Not that I am much better now, but I do have more control over my environment, and being old I care a lot less what people think these days.
I used to watch Corination Street many years ago but it was dropped by free-to-air TV. Here in Victoria we are somewhat miffed that most programming is controlled by Sydney. I may be biased but I have long thought that Sydney would like to be an American city. I am not entirely anti-USA, I watch a lot of their police type shows, and cartoons like Futurama and Family Guy.
Well it is golf day today so I will be off.smiley - ok


Post 99


Went away for the weekend on Thursday, my cousin celebrated her fiftieth birthday by jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, gliding down to earth in tandem with a parachute.

Why perfectly sane people do this sort of thing is beyond me. She was raising money for a children's hospice which outragiously is only government funded for 10% the rest they have to raise for themselves. Utter madness. Huge amounts of money are wasted by our government every day and a hospice has to beg.

We spent Sunday watching football in the pub and enjoying roast lamb dinner.

Instead of rushing off and enjoying ourselves watching crazy people jump out of planes and wondering what else they can do to top that, I should have been at home undoing all the boxes of our stuff that arrived and also helping to put together the flat pack furniture which we have bought. However, we have only just got back and the boxes look happy enough.smiley - run
I do hope you and kanga are both well. The weather here is still beautiful I think it could be an Indian Summer. Yesterday there wasn't a cloud in the sky so we could watch my cousin float down to earth beautifully.


Post 100

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Just a short note. I'm in a bit of a sweat. I have to see my urologist next week, and he gave me a form to have a blood test one week before. It was three months ago that he gave it to me, and of course I'm sure I put it in a safe place, like the glove box in the car, but now I can't find it. There have been reams of rubbish in the mail since then, and I have probably thrown it out with the jetsom. looks like a trip to Mornington to get another form. One of the drawbacks of living alone is the lack of anyone to nag a bit of organisation into me.smiley - sadface

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