A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

it's great!

Post 1

helga danielsen

It's great your poem. It evokes a mood I can well recall. After all, where did all the laughter go, I often ask myself too.

it's great!

Post 2


Hi Farawaylady, Im glad you liked itsmiley - cool Thats the poem that is going to get published in a book of poems at the end of Sept this year!smiley - ok

There are more of them at the bottom of my page if you fancy a readsmiley - cool
they are in a drop down menue under the Snippetssmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

it's great!

Post 3

helga danielsen

I know, I have read most of them! And I like them, they are good!!! So are your snippits of the past. I think, everything we write with our not so modern minds will be very valuable for the future because the present is so different already from what it was and God knows how awful the future will be. We have to write to show that there are more important things than what life offers nowadays.

it's great!

Post 4


Yea! the stories are photographs, a split second of time frozen into a frame. If a story can invoke an image into the readers mind, then its been worth while writing itsmiley - cool
If it leaves the reader thinking about it, then thats also a bonussmiley - ok

Its true really, as when you are showing photographs to someone, there is always a story to go with every one, so what you are doing really, is painting a picture into the readers mindsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

it's great!

Post 5

helga danielsen

Beautifully described!

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