A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 301

Kat - From H2G2

Its a good idea. Say that we can help if you need help with homework or just want to improve your language. Thanks.

Joe, we've got a few problems. Katkodl has gone awol from the language thing due to...a number of things which I wont go into. I dont know where susanne is...so thats the german dept a bit koofed.
I dont know about french and spanish. I imagine that theyll pick up once youve got yourself sorted.
Mandarin...well Im not sure really.
No English dept was wanted.
ermmm...yeah. My creation seems to be falling apart....after youve done so much! smiley - erm

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 302


It's not falling apart! smiley - cheerup

I said I'd go for a huge publicity drive, and I will, as soon as I'm back. Soon. Probably. Hopefully. Whatever smiley - smiley

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 303


your as a link on my thing now

luv angelface04smiley - smiley

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 304


Ooh, ta muchly smiley - biggrin

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 305


your welcome smiley - angelsmiley - smiley

luv me!smiley - winkeye

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 306

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

well, no one ever comes to Mandarin except me and I got sick of my own company...

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 307

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

But you're very good company.

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 308


U-number: 929375
WLTP: Latin
WLTT: Latin
Anything else:
I assume one CAN talk Latin, even though it's alleged to be a 'dead language'. Some people seem to be divided on that matter.

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 309

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

My friend Jesse can talk Latin... but he hasn't been on MSN in ages... I wonder if something happened to him. *frowns*

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 310

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Oh! Newsflash! In the back of my Mandarin textbook, it says Putonghua (did I spell that right?) IS what Enoha (I think it was Enoha...) was saying!! YAY!!! I learnt something new!! Now, to return to studying for that chinese essay we have to write in characters with no help from acheat sheet or anything... (Although it's a really boring essay, it's all about what time you get up and stuff, but it's still HARD!!)

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 311


Hi echomikeromeo!

Sorry you didn't get a reply sooner, we're going through some hectic changes at the moment (owing in part to the fact that I don't have an Internet connection), but hopefully Kat will be around somewhere to give you a proper welcome and point you in the right direction.

Yes, one can speak Latin - I have a GCSE in it, and it's not easy, but it's do-able. There seems to be a growing demand for it here, so I am intending to do something about that, maybe teach a little bit, when I get Internet at home. Meanwhile, feel free to wander around until you find something you like, and please please please join in! smiley - biggrin

Joe C

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 312

Kat - From H2G2

Hey echomikeromeo, sorry we haven't been around properly.

I'll be getting up a Latin dept as soon as possible. Currently we're trying to work out how to make the place as user friendly as possible, as we are aware that its a bit complicated right now.

In the meantime what about joining in something else? Right at the minute the German dept is the most active. If you can't speak any German there's beginners threads which we all use and we all get a chance to be stupid and mess around.

If you can speak French or Spanish at all then do go and get stuck in in those Depts. I know they aren't very active at the minute, but we will be getting them up and running asap, and if you're willing to hang around you might be able to spark them up. In the meantime, subscribe to things and I'll let you know when I've got a Latin dept going.


I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 313

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

*jumps up and down* MANDARIN!!!! I'm lonely...

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 314

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Ok, I'll try to do some Mandarin with you so you're not lonely, but I suck at Mandarin.

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 315

aka Bel - A87832164

Hello all, just seen that there's some revival of the language threads BTW : Yes, one can speak Latin - I have a GCSE in it, and it's not easy, but it's do-able. There seems to be a growing demand for it here, so I am intending to do something about that, maybe teach a little bit, when I get Internet at home. Meanwhile, feel free to wander around until you find something you like, and please please please join in! Joe C There is a latin thread, but it's sleeping, you can find it here : http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F135249?thread=321322&latest=1 Bel

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 316

Kat - From H2G2

*pounces on Latin thread*

Right! As *coughs* the most important person around here smiley - biggrin Im going to get a latin forum started as of next week. Ill trawl through that thread and see who's around and see whats what....I cant run it however because I never did Latin...so anyone who might like to...

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 317


U-number: U186740
WLTL: French, Mandarin, German
WLTP: Spanish
WLTT: English, Spanish (very very beginning level)
Anything else: It's been years since I've taken a Spanish class, so I'm probably really rusty, especially with anything outside of present or imperative tense. But I'm willing to try!

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 318

Kat - From H2G2


Welcome, Ill put you on the various lists in a minute. Could I ask what your mother tongue is please?

Don't forget to subscribe to any threads that you want to take part in and subscribe to the article for new threads, games and announcements.

Thanks for joining

(chief editor)

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 319


English, though I know bits and pieces of other languages. Nothing substantial, but bits and pieces! smiley - biggrin

I want to join the Language Thing!

Post 320

Kat - From H2G2

Okee...I set you free on the departments! fly fly!! oh and speak smiley - biggrin go introduce yourself. Admittedly right now the only dept properly active is the German dept because Joe C isn't around and wont be for a while and he runs the french and spanish depts because I dont speak any, but go introduce yourself there too smiley - smiley

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