Language Thing

2 Conversations

This will be the grand page of the h2 language thing, for people who speak in one language (or more) to, if they wish, talk to those who don't but aim to. Or do, but need practice.
All languages are welcome.
Perhaps a swap-style structure would work best: 'wishing to exchange song in Wol Wontok for brief exchange in High Middle German', or something. Subscribe and tell all what you either have or want; at the moment I see this as an email thing (penfriend-style), but if you have a better idea then that will be added.


The German Class
The GerMania Connection
GerMania Connection Yahoo!Group
French Language Help Desk

Currently Involved

These have all volunteered useful information and/or their time, so they go here.

Tube (German)
Chili_666 (German)
'loup.dargent'- Knight of the Francophiles (French. Surprisingly.)
Kat (Co-editing: WLT learn German.)
Mandragora Scrymidden (Co-editing: WLTL Welsh.)

And currently willing to talk...

People who have both helped and specifically volunteered for the chat-list. Still, best if you ask them first though (threads below) in case they become swamped with conversation.


Can be emailed at: [email protected]

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