A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
Well done!
Garius Lupus Started conversation Aug 14, 2003
You certainly have more energy than I do for gardening. All I can manage is to plant some stuff in the spring, and that's it. Just the thought of a fall garden makes me tired.
When we had too many tomatoes and didn't have time for canning them, we just froze them in bags, with their skins on. When you thaw them, they are the same consistency as canned and if you don't want the skins, they just slip off, just like when you blanch them for canning. Usually, we just left the skins in and didn't even bother thawing before using them.
Well done!
Hypatia Posted Aug 14, 2003
My aunt used to put her extra tomatoes into a blender with onions and peppers and whatever else she had and liquify them then freeze it in those square pint plastic freezer boxes. I tried that and didn't particularly like the consistency of it, but it sure was easy.
I'll try your whole tomato trick. Thanks.
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Well done!
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