A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener
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Hypatia Posted Aug 13, 2003
You must like some healthy foods. Everyone likes something that's healthy. Ah ha! You like strawberry ice cream. That's fruit and dairy.
Hypatia Posted Aug 14, 2003
It was excellent. The questions were silly and so were you! But you did manage to plug the circus.
Let's see if we get any new recruits. I still need someone to carry my beard.
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
I know. Did you see Awix's introduction to me? Had me blushing...
The beard is to keep you warm. That was one of my 42 reasons!
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
Accomplished? Pah
The only thing I've really worked on is the UG, which has been abundantly clear from my interview
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
No, but I think I hold the record for the most badges in a week
I became a scout, ACE and BBCi Tester in one week. That was a nice week. Nothin' lately.
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
Ahem... I'm working on it. Some UG stuff at the moment. Should only take a couple of minutes.
I'm almost done with 2 entries and I'm working on Mickey Mantle
Hypatia Posted Aug 14, 2003
Mickey Mantle was from a small town in Oklahoma about 30 miles from here. (We're almost in Oklahoma, almost in Kansas.) He used to play baseball in Joplin. Got his start here. He was quite the local hero. I remember when I was in grade school and the Yankees were in the World Series. The principal brought a tv to school, set it up in the gymnasium, and let all the kids out of class to watch the games. Because of Mickey.
And the Boyer brothers were from Alba, which is about 8 miles from here. Cletis and Cloyd played for the Yankees and Kenny played for the Cardinals. In the 1964 World Series the Yankees played the Cardinals and Clete and Kenny were the two 3rd basemen. We had school dismissed to watch that, too. And I was in high school by then. World Series games used to be played during the day. Cloyd still lives in Webb City.
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
You have baseball there, we have astronauts here Senator John Glen, Neil Armstrong doesn't live very far away.
I actually knew he was from Oklahoma from my research, but I didn't know all of that.
Hypatia Posted Aug 14, 2003
Janet Kavandi (sp?) is from a town 6 miles away. She's the only astronaut we have. And no one has ever heard of her. But we do have a factory that made parts for the Gemini and Apollo missions.
J Posted Aug 14, 2003
Which Apollo? Not 13, eh?
Well, actually can I say aviation instead of astronauts? Then I can include the Wrights
Maybe I should write an entry on John Glen. Actually, I'd like to do that. You can write something on Kavandi
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- 4: Hypatia (Aug 14, 2003)
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- 7: J (Aug 14, 2003)
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- 9: J (Aug 14, 2003)
- 10: Hypatia (Aug 14, 2003)
- 11: J (Aug 14, 2003)
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- 13: J (Aug 14, 2003)
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- 17: J (Aug 14, 2003)
- 18: Hypatia (Aug 14, 2003)
- 19: J (Aug 14, 2003)
- 20: Hypatia (Aug 14, 2003)
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