Through the Doughnut Hole

2 Conversations

... and now ladies, gentlemen and others, please put your hands, paws, fins,
goinks1 together for
another Through the Doughnut Hole!!!!

smiley - musicalnote
Doughnuts in life have but one goal
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote
And that is to star in the Through the Doughnut Hole!
smiley - musicalnote2

ACT ONE: Take 104

Welcome everyone to this weeks show, I know how much it is a pleasure for you to be here.
Sadly there isn't a question this week, as Blotto, Nurse Gerty and I are all off for our
Summer Holiday. So there will be no 'Doughnut Hole' next week, but don't worry it will be

In case you all miss the show to much, check out next weeks Post, where we are going to
leave a pre-recorded episode of the show in Shazz's very capable hands. It will not be quite
the same as the live version, but I am sure you will enjoy it all the same.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves, this week we have one of the biggest Doughnut Hole
shows of all time, thanks in part no doubt to the interesting question posed last week... which
was: How did you first come across the secret world that is h2g2?


My first guest this week has once more beamed his answer to us via satellite from deepest
darkest Borneo, where it seems he is studying the decaying properties of leaf mould. He
needs no further introduction as I am sure you will all recognise him, it's Deus Ex Machina who started this conversation

'Actually, my story of finding h2g2 is quite simple- I was looking for
'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' websites one night, and one of the hits was h2g2. So I said
to myself, 'Wow, this looks cool', and so registered and started my great journey over the
land that is h2g2!'

It's amazing how many times I have heard this Deus, literally falling into h2g2 by
accident. Lucky for you that your search engine decided to you show the very best on the
web, and lucky for us you decided to stay.


My second guest this week is someone who knows the value of good publicity and is not
afraid to use it. Last week he had recently come back from journey of discovery into his own
arm-pit, next week it seems he is going to delve further down, but he refused to give us any
more information. Please welcome Jodan who in the same
conversation said...

'My story is pretty boring as well, but I've always wanted to tell it!

My good friend Andrew pointed this out to me, and I looked at it. I did not like it at all
smiley - cross But one faithful day in January, I was completely bored and
decided to look again. The rest, as they say is history

Would you prefer a story beginning with 'I was on an African safari...' because I have one of
those too smiley - smiley'


Wha... Ah... Jodan... Well you did warn us that it would be boring. ~grin~ Just kidding, say
a big thank you to Andrew next time you see him, for obviously without him, you wouldn't be


My third guest this week is now putting in their second appearance on the Doughnut Hole,
so your first time couldn't of been all that scary and for that we are as pleased as punch.
Please meet Farrago who in this conversation said...

'Basically I was googling around the internet searching for stuff about
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and found h2g2. I lurked for a while just reading and only got
round to signing up/logging on a couple of weeks ago.'

Oh, how lovely, I hadn't realised that you had only newly arrived to the land of h2g2 the
last time you where on Farrago. Well here's a belated welcome to you from the gang at the
Doughnut Hole, I really hope you are enjoying yourself, and will continue to for many years
to come.


My fourth guest this week is someone who I am sure you all know and love, I know I do.
She was on the show way back in April, and we are so pleased we can hardly contain our joy
that she has decided to come on again. It is of course Titania who in this conversation said...

'There was simply a very small notice about in one of the Swedish
newspapers that The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was now on the Internet. I was
absolutely thrilled, because I *love* the books! smiley - bigeyes

How I came to discover the books is a different story though - references to THHGTTG (or
actually 'Liftarens Guide till Galaxen' in Swedish) starting popping up, in other books, in RL
conversations, in an interview on the radio - and I was mystified (managing to miss the bit
where it was explained). Come on - surely there couldn't be a Galactic Travel Guide? Because
that's what it sounded like to me...

Then, one day, I came across it in a bookstore, and I just couldn't resist buying it, despite
having no idea what the book was about, and knowing nothing about the author. But how I
laughed when I read it! smiley - biggrin'

Maybe that is one of the best of Mister Adams' legacies, how he brought the gift of
laughter to so many different people. And how through his books, the idea of this great land
was born. Thank you Titania for reminding us of this fact, and thank you Douglas Adams for
being you.


My fifth guest this week has no idea, yes its true, he literally has no idea. But that is
why we have taken him to our collective hearts and not closed the door on him to throw salted
peanuts at him out of the open window. I speak on none other than the master of funk Marjin in this conversation

'I used (and use) to look in the BBC Science and Technology section to keep
up with interesting facts.

Once upon a time there was the announcement of DNA's untimely death, and the article
contained a link to A303346 The Hanger Lane Gyratory
System smiley - laugh. After that I rummaged through the Edited Guide and
found out that you cannot comment until you sign in.

Never left after that, although it took three months before I found out that the EG was just
a little part of the site smiley - smiley'

Not the most crowd pleasing article to find on your first jaunt into h2g2, I am glad you
decided to have a 'rummage' around, no doubt finding lots more of equal and more interest. I
can't imagine a h2g2 without Marjin.


My sixth guest on this weeks show actually coincided with his sixth appearance on the
Doughnut Hole. But life is full of strange coincidences, especially if you know this guest as
well as I do. In fact strange doesn't begin to cover it, as you will see as you meet once more
Archangel Dr Justin in this conversation

'I first heard of h2g2 when it was first launched, on a programme called
'Tomorrows World'. Unfortunately, I didn't have 'net access at the time, so I promptly
forgot all about it.

It wasn't until I started university, and had plenty of access to the internet, that I
remembered to take a look. I was hooked from the moment I signed up! Of course, back then
there was only the one 'skin', and it wasn't part of the BBC website. But hootoo is still here,
and doesn't look like it's going anywhere else for a long time to come...'

I wonder how many of the current people of h2g2 first came across this land of plenty on
'Tomorrows World' like you. Plus to be around during h2g2's Pre-Beeb Epoch, the Time of
Sudden Disappearance, and then h2g2: The Phoenix years. Lucky old you!!!


My seventh guest on the show is said to be the inspiration for many a drunken binge by my
Personal Assistant Blotto. She is as talented as she is beautiful, her grace and joy of life
knows no bounds. We have all fallen a little in love with her, it is of course Pinwheel Pearl who in said in this conversation

'I had the bbc homepage as my homepage. And I kept seeing h2g2 in the
categories. It was such a bizarre little phrase that I had to find out what it was, and thought
it was such a good idea when I did look that I'm afraid you're stuck with me.

Not that Blotto will mind smiley - winkeye'

Indeed there is nothing at all to be afraid of in being stuck with you Pearl. In fact to
quote Blotto, 'I would love to be stuck anywhere with her!' And I think that about sums it
up, or at least I am stuck for words to say after that statement, maybe just apologize for
Blotto's besotted behaviour.


My eighth guest this week like nothing better than pootling around h2g2 and not stalking
the folks he meets on his travels. Sounds scary, but I have it on good authority that he has
never admitted to doing anything wrong in his life. It's the first time on the show, please
welcome EncyBass who in this conversation said...

'I work in an office (in fact, I'm at work as I'm typing this. Take that,
Capitalism!), and my job isn't exactly exciting. SO, in an attempt to get through the day
without my brain starving itself of oxygen though sheer boredom, I started looking at stuff
on the (restricted to BBCi only in our office) internet.

I now spend more time on here than I do actually working. Which just goes to show how busy
I was before.....'

Yay, the true exploitive worker, sounds grand to me. Just hope the boss doesn't read this,
but then if the job is so boring the boss would probably be reading this when he/she is
supposed to be working as well... So no worries there then... ~grin~


My ninth guest(s) this week liked it so much on the show last week that they returned for
more. Good taste or what. They are a dynamic duo, a terrible twosome and a duet that are
just lovely on the ears. Please meet Terri & Yoda who
started this conversation...

'h2g2 begins with "h" --Which was where I had got to when trawling
through the BBC A to Z index.

I hadn't a clue what it meant, then rapidly realised the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was
invoved. I remembered this with nostalgia (erm, I'm quite good at that sort of thing...) &
lurked horribly for all of all night, slept on the idea & in the cold light of next nights
insomnia, signed up. That was on November 5th 2002; some guy should be quite blown apart I
reckon! smiley - winkeye'

So you are approaching your first birthday on h2g2... well in another three months
anyway. I am glad you decided to stop lurking and join in, for one thing the Post wouldn't be
the same without you.


My tenth guest this weeks bumper show is another newcomer to the Doughnut Hole
who agreed to come on the show by their own free will (honest!!). A lot of things have been
written about this person, but none of them can be repeated on this show, to find out more
then is best to ask Waz who in the same
conversation said...

'My story is that someone I worked for said I'd like the hitchhikers radio
series. I couldn't get the hang of that (too late starting to listen) but remembered when I
saw the book in a railway station bookshop. I liked the colours on the front, and the 'Don't
Panic' instruction, bought it, read it and loved it. So when I heard Douglas Adams by chance
on the radio, I listened, heard about h2g2 and went looking for the site as soon as I got my
PC. So I got here by way of an ex boss, a wait for a train, a paperback cover, Radio 4 and, of
course, DNA.'

Don't Panic, what it's all about really isn't. It seems your course to h2g2 was a long but
rewarding one. Glad you finally made it.

ACT TWO: Take 23
Not the usual question but an almost true story

This is a transcript of a conversation between Greebo and Blotto that happened this

Characters, smiley - cat = Greebo / smiley - geek = Blotto

smiley - cat - 'Hi Blotto, did you get me my morning doughnuts?'
smiley - geek - 'Yes boss, they are on the table.'
smiley - cat - 'Thanks Blotto, did you have a nice night last night?'
smiley - geek - 'Yes I dropped my Mother off at the train station.'
smiley - cat - 'Oh really, I didn't know she was going anywhere.'
smiley - geek - 'Nor did she, but she managed to find her way back home anyway.'
smiley - cat - 'I wonder about you Blotto, I hope you are doing something to make up for being so horrible tonight.'
smiley - geek - 'Yeah Mother asked me to pick up some Chinese.'
smiley - cat - 'Your Mother must be so glad to have you as her son, buying her dinner like that.'
smiley - geek - 'What? I bought a Chinese on the way home from the train station last night, and I dropped it on the floor when she arrived home.'
smiley - cat - 'Oh Blotto!!!'

LAST ACT of a desperate person

So that's it, the last show before our summer break is over, rather sad really. Everyone is
happily munching away in the Green Room, Blotto is mooning over Pearl as usual, hope his
drooling doesn't disturb her to much. See you all next time, same Post article, same post

This weeks article is brought to by The Post and the wonderful web site that is h2g2.

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Through the Doughnut Hole


07.08.03 Front Page

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1I am not going to ask, maybe you should...2Music by Rank Sinatara, Lyrics by Vogon Doobedoobedoo3As long as the network renews our contracts that
4Yes this morning, not yesterday and certainly not

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