A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

The Council Chamber

Post 1

The Jedi Council

The place where the Council sit. Though six chairs are filled, one is currently not: Master Mukir's.

Here is where we'll here your pleas or give assignments.

The Council Chamber

Post 2

Secretly Not Here Any More

Annat Tayswi reporting to the council.

I await instructions on how to proceed with my padawan and his training. He is gifted and patient, but I am unsure as to his abilities as a whole yet.

The Council Chamber

Post 3

The Jedi Council

Master Gr'jar:
Train him as you see fit, Annat.

The Council Chamber

Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

As you wish, master Gr'jar. I will train the youngling in the ways of the living force.

The Council Chamber

Post 5

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*comes 'floating' in and sits down in a chair that unfortunately forces him to unhinge five limbs, but very few people can do something so painful and disgusting so gracefully as Jedi master Powol Wimul*
Master Gr'jar, master Annat, good evening.

The Council Chamber

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

I must be excused, rescue mission beckons. One of my contacts has been forcibly ejected from his lodgings, and I have to rush to his aid.

May the Force be with you.

The Council Chamber

Post 7


*leans over to Master Wimul*

What'd he say?!

The Council Chamber

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Basically my mate got thrown out of his house and I had to find him and put him up for the night...

smiley - biggrin

The Council Chamber

Post 9

The Jedi Council

Very honourable.

The Council Chamber

Post 10

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

What was the result of this mission?

The Council Chamber

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

The result is that my couch has been comandeered by the amazing sleeping man. Good job I don't want to watch TV.

The Council Chamber

Post 12


*goes to meditation chamber*

The Council Chamber

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

My padawan has grasped the theory behind the force, I think that we need an assignment so that he can learn more practical skills....

The Council Chamber

Post 14


*enters and sits*

The Council Chamber

Post 15


Where is young Annat?

The Council Chamber

Post 16

Star Fire

My teacher, Jedi Knight Annat Tayswi asked me to meet him hear.

The Council Chamber

Post 17

Secretly Not Here Any More

*ahem* I'm here. There was a slight delay in my returning, but I am ready to recieve the council's instructions on the assignment I requested.

The Council Chamber

Post 18

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

The council will see you now. Master Annat.

The Council Chamber

Post 19

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

The council will see you now. Master Annat.

The Council Chamber

Post 20

Secretly Not Here Any More

Thankyou master.

*bows head and enters main chamber*

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