A Conversation for Save The Albatross

Good Luck

Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

good luck and good journey, from Australia

smiley - cheers

Good Luck

Post 2

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

Wow. That is amazing!
Good luck, and have a safe journey.
EncyBass, UK

Good Luck

Post 3


Good luck!

This looks like a really great project and I will certainly be following all the updates...


Good Luck

Post 4

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Indeed Good luck with this exciting project...smiley - ok

Take care..
smiley - peacedove

Good Luck

Post 5

Metal Chicken

Great project smiley - ok
Wishing you fair winds and good luck. The albatross is a lovely and interesting creature (although it does look comical trying to get its huge bulk off the ground in spite of those enormous wings). I saw one of their nesting areas in the Galapagos some years ago but was at the wrong time of year to see them for myself, they were off living over the oceans at the time. Hope you have more luck and I look forward to reading more of your adventures here and in the wider press.

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