A Conversation for Save The Albatross

All the best!

Post 1

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I'll be learning by rote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner in your honour - you'd think people would have learned the message by now - save the albatross!

All the very best to John and the team!!


All the best!

Post 2


yeah all the best hope all goes well for you all!!

All the best!

Post 3

Barneys Bucksaws

All the best, especially as the albatros is bad luck to a sailor. Better you than me!

All the best!

Post 4


Not so! The albatross is GOOD luck for all sailors in all cultures. It only brings you bad luck when you kill it. Hence John Ridgway's attempt to Save The Albatross! smiley - smiley

All the best!

Post 5


All the best to all of you!!!smiley - ok

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