my welcome page for new researchers

1 Conversation

Eomondo and Captain Al Boy

A great big welcome to H2G2. My Name is MIDNIGHT ANGEL, I'm your ACE (assistant community editor)
I am here to meet and greet you, and help you find your way around h2g2.smiley - spacesmiley - smiley You have reached here because your new.
I have set out some useful links and information to guide you.
Lets get you started, First lets catch thesmiley - spacesmiley - bus to the Welcome page.
Next stop is... I am new what do i do now?smiley - spaceI'm new. This page will come in very handy.smiley - spacesmiley - smiley
To make yourself more familiar with the site try the feisor where you will find some very useful links to help you.smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin
Take another smiley - bussmiley - space to Dont Panic you will find this very useful.
Why not visit The Post h2g2's very own newspaper. smiley - spacesmiley - thepost
The place to find out whats happening here on h2g2.
Also if you have any factual writing you want to post why not add it in the PeerReview.
Now you may have noticed all over h2g2 that we use smileys like thissmiley - spacesmiley - discosmiley - coolsmiley - magicsmiley - bubblyvisit smileys to find out more.smiley - spacesmiley - biggrin
Another page to visit to spice up your page is Spice up your page..

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Find out who and where people are chatting by going to Whos chatting where.

If you have a question Why not ask in Askh2g2.
You should have enough to get you started now.smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - smiley
Well smiley - spacesmiley - spacei'll let you explore the links i have selected for you. But if you need any assistance then dont hesitate to ask me,smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - angelM~Asmiley - spacesmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

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