A Conversation for The Base Regiment

Mess Room

Post 1


*despite the name this room is quite clean. as you enter you see a layout of tables with various cutlery and condiments. there is a canteen at the far end which looks pretty well maintained. to the left there is a carpeted area with smaller tables and cushioned chairs. there is a dart board, billiards table and snooker and pool tables. the bar is a small oak affair giving off the impression of a Gentlemans club. one where women are welcome of course.*

Mess Room

Post 2

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*smiley - run in holding a large smiley - cheesecake*

Mess Room

Post 3


*creachy is stood behind the bar, polishing a small shot glass with a white cloth*

evening Antheasmiley - biggrin can i get you anything, a plate perhaps?

Mess Room

Post 4

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

a plate...
what a good idea....
and a PGGB if there are any....
smiley - magic

Mess Room

Post 5


of course there aresmiley - biggrin

*hands Anthea a plate and mixes her up the worlds most formidable pan galactic gargle blaster*

hope you enjoy it. there is a fresh bowl of it in the fridge. i have to go now. have a nice eveningsmiley - ok

Mess Room

Post 6


*walks in with lightsabre attached to belt*

*walks up to creachy and waves hand in face*

We don't have to pay for drinks... (smiley - biggrin)

Mess Room

Post 7

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

Mess Room

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Make mine A PGGB please nice place creachy

Mess Room

Post 9

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

he is out at the moment but
he said there were some in the fridge
smiley - magic

Mess Room

Post 10


*waves arm and fridge slides across to Reefgirl*

Mess Room

Post 11

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

hi holly..
how are you?

Mess Room

Post 12


Good, good... Seriously considering blasting Thamian out into space though.

Mess Room

Post 13

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
we all feel like that at times...

Mess Room

Post 14

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Have a word with the good Doctor here she's the base Psyciatrist maybe she can help you deal with your issues smiley - laugh

Mess Room

Post 15

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - biggrin
now if there was a way to get him to the pressure relese area... smiley - winkeye

Mess Room

Post 16


Mess Room

Post 17

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

Mess Room

Post 18


*gets bored so runs around Mess with lightsabre going "Wrrrrrm"*

Mess Room

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*advoids lightsaber as holly runs past*
smiley - yikes thats a deadly wepon

Mess Room

Post 20


Wrrrmmm.... wrrm... kzzzt!!! wrmm...

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