The Base Regiment

3 Conversations

The Base Regiment is a home for all the duty personnel for the TERRANIC ARMY (those of us who actually do all the work), take a quick stroll around and see whose services you need the most

The Guardroom

The Guardroom is where you will find Colonel Reefgirl and Colonel Creachy, the MP's. If you have any problems with security or you've been naughty soldiers or if you want to be an Army copper this is the place for you.

Situated at the back of the Guardroom is the The Interrogation Room which is where we take all the 'special' cases.

Base Hospital

This speaks for it's self, if you need Hospital and Medical Care this is where you'll find Dr MO, Capt FWT and Sergent Lucky Star, anyone who needs a little medical TLC, this is the place for you. Of course TLC stands for Total Lack of Care.

The Base Psyciatrist

The resident Base Psyciatrist is Dr Anthea, if you need spiritual help, a good talk through your problems, or just need a chat and a good cry the doctor is always in and loaded with morphine.

Intelligance Services

Intelligance Headquarters is the place to go if you fancy yourself as James Bond, sneak up on HDS (or whatever he calls himself now) and join up.

Chief Negotiators Office

The Office is where you will find Captain Zarquon's Singing Fish. As you will see, he has an easy job.

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