A Conversation for The Base Regiment

Barracks (at last)

Post 1


*this is where the team of the Base Regiment sleep. The room is spacious and all beds are equiped with individual bedside unit containing, light, radio alarm clock and fridge.*

Barracks (at last)

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Staggers in with a big box and 2 kit bags and dumps them on the bed at the back*

Phew hope we stay here I don't fancy having heave that lot anywhere else smiley - biggrin

Barracks (at last)

Post 3


*comes in carrying a small rucksack and dumps it on the bed next to the door on the left*

what the hell you get there. you not telling me all that is issued kitsmiley - yikes cos someones nicked mine if it issmiley - erm

Barracks (at last)

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

No just stuff I've aquirred over the years, knickers, handcuffs, whips chains, the usual smiley - biggrin

Barracks (at last)

Post 5



*backs out of room slowly*

i'll just be going to the office for er, erm, some, staples, yes that's it staples. there don't seem to be any here and we need em for erm, err, my...posters. yes my posters which i want to put upsmiley - biggrin health and safety ones youknow, don't want them falling down now do i...smiley - run

Barracks (at last)

Post 6

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

well actually these belong to Mistress Belinda, the knickers are mine smiley - biggrin

Barracks (at last)

Post 7


i take it she doesn't wear knickers thensmiley - erm

Barracks (at last)

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Why don't you go to the torture room and ask her smiley - laugh

Barracks (at last)

Post 9


it's ok, i'll take your word for itsmiley - biggrin

Barracks (at last)

Post 10

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

chickensmiley - laugh

Barracks (at last)

Post 11


i'll get PHENOM to ask hersmiley - winkeye

Barracks (at last)

Post 12

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

It's a good job the torture room is soundproof smiley - laugh

Barracks (at last)

Post 13


*twiddles thumbs*

we need a war. shall we start the first regiment v regiment battle? i say we take on the T'n'C. yeah, lets blow up their mess room or steal all their sugar or rub pepper sauce round all the toilet seatssmiley - bigeyes lets do it lets do it lets do it lets do itsmiley - boingsmiley - grovelsmiley - boing

Barracks (at last)

Post 14


you dont put pepper sauce on the loo seat..you rub raw chillis on the paper!

Barracks (at last)

Post 15

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Raw chillies in Werekitty's knickers,

I am so bored I need a fight, stick Metallica on the PA system that'll get them out of bed

Barracks (at last)

Post 16


..who is being very quiet quiet n lurky smiley - erm

oh well smiley - whistle

im not sposed to be here shouting in the window am i..hehe

smiley - footprints

Barracks (at last)

Post 17

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*stagers in*
*put her things on the bed neer the window in the middle of the room*
*unpacks several psychology books then puts them in the unit*
Ok did someone mention a war smiley - winkeye

Barracks (at last)

Post 18


yeah, memememememememememe, i wanna warsmiley - boing

Barracks (at last)

Post 19

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

a war sounds like fun smiley - bigeyes

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