A Conversation for Guardroom

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 101

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - grr I hate that, and when things don't go to plan I hate that to and I'm not to tolerant when people don't meet my expectations either, damn my virgo instincts

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 102


i think we are the forerunners of human evolution. i don't think i know one really stupid virgosmiley - biggrin if i did i would probably send them to an island well out the waysmiley - ok

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 103

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i guess you two are virgos then....

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 104


yeah, so you best not screw up Docsmiley - bigeyes

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 105

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

So what are you then Anthea, I'm a virgo Excelsior is Aquarius, my sister is Aries, my Mum Sagittarius and Alex is a Leo born on the cusp, she was born on a monday so she's a Leo if she was born on the wednesday shid have been a virgo like me smiley - headhurts can you imagine it 2 picky females in the same house smiley - yikes

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 106

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i am a Scorpio smiley - winkeye

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 107

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

My Dad (God rest his soul) was a Scorpio, every day he'd read his horoscope in the paper and most days it would say 'travel features greatly in your day' and he'd go 'of course it smiley - bleeping does I'm a smiley - bleeping bus driver'

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 108

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh
scorpios are ment to be strong willed and short temperd....
that might be true...
my sisters a capricorn and my mums an aquarious
smiley - winkeye

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 109

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Strong willed and short tempered describes my dad to a 'T'

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 110

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

that might describe me as well...
i am defenetly like that when i get annoyed....
smiley - erm

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 111

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)


I'm back from London, bin there for a week, have I missed anything?

-- DoctorMO --

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 112

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Not a lot

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 113

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Ah good smiley - hug

-- DoctorMO --

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 114


*the skeletal army of PHENOM, with their blood red eyes and fierce looking swords, smash through the bars and windows of the hospital. they begin to over turn beds and slice them up. equipment gets smashed and doors are ripped off the hinges. they go into a frenzy when they find no blood to consume.

leaving the hospital completely wrecked they go in search of other sources of food....*

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 115



dont see that often smiley - erm

ive known a few virgos..some of em stupid..

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 116

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

I know it's so hard find a good hoard and one just crashes it's way through, the cheek.

-- DoctorMO --

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 117

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks in and sitts in the waiting aria*

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 118


why don't you sit in the waiting areasmiley - biggrin

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 119

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

maybe i should check what i type now and again smiley - winkeye

Hospital and Medial care (No Torture Victims)

Post 120


is that what you're here to have fixed?

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