A Conversation for Official UnderGuide Miners' Survival Guide (UG)
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Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Started conversation Dec 19, 2004
Thanks for the invite B, and I do belive that I'll take you up on the offer. Belive it or not, my intention was to become a miner since finding such a possition exists.
I take great joy in rooting around, looking for hidden treasure, and this sounds like it fits the bill quite nicely.
After swimming around in AWW, I figured the best way to know what to look for, what was considered "Top Notch", was to start in the underguide. And of course, this is where you found me, in the midst of my research.
So here I am, willing and eager. All that remains is the offical stamp of approval. In the immortal words of boxxing referee Miles Lane "LET'S GET IT ON"
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
J Posted Dec 19, 2004
Your comments on UG entries have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated I think we would be happy to have you.
First of all, any questions? Anything you fail to understand about the process?
Have you read the UG help and information pages? They can be helpful
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Posted Dec 20, 2004
Hello Jordan, how goes it with you? I'm certainly feeling jolly!
Nope, can't think of any quistions at the moment and I've got a pretty good idea as to how it works.
Nope, havn't read them. I'm a guy! NO reading of instrutions nor asking for directions allowed!!! To do so would violate my license to possess testicals and I'm not about to part with them!!!
Checked the regs and got a special dispensation, safely able to read now without fear of forclosure.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Posted Dec 20, 2004
Hello Waz, I'm looking forward to the adventure.
As to the undergrowth, its been my experience that all the true wonders of the world are usually hiding in the midst of the brambles and briers. And thats as it should be, for it makes the finding so much the sweeter.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Posted Dec 22, 2004
Hi B, and thank you again.
I'm certainly looking forward to this adventure, and have been out in the hinterlands of AWW, diligently persueing long lost gems. With luck, I may find something.
Oh, I've read plenty of.....stuff for lack of a better term, but as of yet have found nothing to merit special attention. I figured it would be mined clean, but one never knows. A lousy title may be obscuring the fruit within, so I shall continue in my efforts.
If nothing else, it may provide some leads to undiscovered talent. Maybe someone to shy to submit their work after a first attempt. Just keep your ears open for a loud "EUREKA!!!"
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Mrs Zen Posted Dec 22, 2004
Has Jodan given you directions to the Pig and Slag yet?
That is the charming name for our yahoo mailing list, where miners and polishers hang out after a long shift in the shafts, we shoot the breeze, throw darts at a succession of dart boards, Pin buys us drinks or gets Jodan to buy them for us, and - since it is not actually h2g2 - we can spit on the floor. (But don't tell Jimster that!)
It is also where the voting takes place, and where we talk about entries behind their backs, where gems are assigned to polishers for polishing, and the admin (ha! ha!) takes place.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Posted Dec 22, 2004
No, I havn't received them as of yet, but its still early in the game.
It certainly sounds like fun though, and I'll look forward to the party. Watching ones "P's" and "Q's" all of the time does get a tad bit difficult, and the chance to be on less formal footing should make for delightful conversation
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, and also learning the ropes. It sure beats being outside looking in.
"Ignore the little man behind the curtain, for I am the great and powerful OZ!"
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
LL Waz Posted Dec 23, 2004
There's supposed to be admin??
Have you emailed Jodan spynxxx1? There's an address on his page. Or you could try emailing the UnderGuide ed's from the link on U217987. I'm not certain whether it works. It wasn't working and I tried to fix it but no one's used it since. That'll give us your email (if it works) to send the keys. Well I think that's how this is supposed to happen.
Look forward to seeing you at the P & S - we need more discussion there.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
LL Waz Posted Dec 25, 2004
Hi again and Season's Greetings - just dashing in to say I've not been able to open the UG Eds hotmail account - there seems to be something up with hotmail. People from work have had trouble too with their own accounts. Didn't want you to think we were ignoring you.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Spynxxx Posted Dec 25, 2004
And a happy Holiday to you Waz
{as well as all of my new compatriots}
I did get the hotmail to send, so it looks as if thats ok. And as a backup, I left a message with Jordan, so it should all work out in the end.
And no, I certainly didn't think you were ignoring me.
Y'all don't strike me as the type to do such a thing. Its just another thing that makes this place special.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Kaine_2k Posted Jan 7, 2005
Do you guys discriminate when it comes to choosing miners, or do you just grab anyone that comes along?
I'd like to do it, but have no idea how the process works...
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
LL Waz Posted Jan 10, 2005
Sorry for the wait Kaine_2k.
We're very discriminating, we grab anyone, or anything good that comes along .
We do like to know that volunteers know what they're letting themselves in for though. Have you read the UnderGuide HQ page A1103329 and the What Miners Do one A1092511? And have you taken a look into the pit mouth, the fearsome, dreaded <./>writingalternative</.> ?
Not trying to put you off or anything...
Spynxxx up there has survived...
Seriously; we do need miners. We need miners, writers and readers to keep both the UnderGuide and the AWW thriving. If you're interested in that you'll be very welcome.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Mrs Zen Posted Jan 11, 2005
*grabs Kaine_2k and drags him, resisting, to the Pig and Slag*
Yep! Join us! We welcome poor fools gladly.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Kaine_2k Posted Jan 11, 2005
lol, ok I'll take a look at those links tonight and get back to you...
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Mrs Zen Posted Jan 11, 2005
For "Writing Alternative" read <./>rf5</.> - don't you hate it when links don't work?
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Kaine_2k Posted Jan 11, 2005
Ok, well, the intention was to go away and do a full days work, go home, have dinner, maybe a bath, and possibly play a computer game, then read the links you gave me and see if i was still interested.
That failed...
I did almost five minutes of work before getting bored and coming back to H2G2 and reading the info. Anyhow, it all looks pretty good, and if you'll have me I'll do my best to keep the standards up.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Mrs Zen Posted Jan 11, 2005
I am never quite sure what happens next.
I think Jodan invites you to join the Yahoo group which is where we debate the influences and semiotic allusions in the experimental writing we are selecting for the UnderGuide to ensure that the pieces chosen contribute to the incisive development of radical form. Of course we do. Sure. Yeah. Right.
Since it is where the miners hang out, it is called 'The Pig and Slag', (both, apparently being terms used in Mining, either that, or Hypatia has suckered us), and the conversation there seems to comprise mostly of the occasional email saying "this entry's cool" or "mind the sheep".
But there has to be an exchange of email addresses, and I am not sure how that happens. Jodan's your man. Or sheep.
Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
Kaine_2k Posted Jan 12, 2005
ok, should i contact him (if so whats his full user name) or will he see this and contact me?
Key: Complain about this post
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Here I am , signed, sealed and delivered, I'm yours
- 1: Spynxxx (Dec 19, 2004)
- 2: J (Dec 19, 2004)
- 3: Spynxxx (Dec 20, 2004)
- 4: LL Waz (Dec 20, 2004)
- 5: Spynxxx (Dec 20, 2004)
- 6: Mrs Zen (Dec 21, 2004)
- 7: Spynxxx (Dec 22, 2004)
- 8: Mrs Zen (Dec 22, 2004)
- 9: Spynxxx (Dec 22, 2004)
- 10: LL Waz (Dec 23, 2004)
- 11: LL Waz (Dec 25, 2004)
- 12: Spynxxx (Dec 25, 2004)
- 13: Kaine_2k (Jan 7, 2005)
- 14: LL Waz (Jan 10, 2005)
- 15: Mrs Zen (Jan 11, 2005)
- 16: Kaine_2k (Jan 11, 2005)
- 17: Mrs Zen (Jan 11, 2005)
- 18: Kaine_2k (Jan 11, 2005)
- 19: Mrs Zen (Jan 11, 2005)
- 20: Kaine_2k (Jan 12, 2005)
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