A Conversation for The Cathedral of Terry Pratchett
Did i mention Yet , That ...................
Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector Started conversation Feb 17, 2004
I am also a Huge Discworld Fan ,
i got allot of the books alreddy
incl 3 of the newest ones and a whole bunche spec Editions , like the Mapp of the Discworld and so on ...
and a cookbook etc etc
"The Golden Dragon is The Most Ruthless Dragon arround He is Not a Good Nor an Evil one , Even Black Dragons aint that Ruthless .. They only Kill There Victems ... But Golden ones Will Torture a Victem before ( most of the Time ) Killing it .. So it or Other May Learn Somthing from it Mistakes"
"From the Heavens i Came Forth .. But there is NO Hell nor Heaven That will Ever Reclaim me .. I am Dragantha .. A Golden Dragon .. A Ara a Athi to the Queen Dragon and Athi to the Frisian People "
"Some Say / Claim i am Mean and Evil , I On the Otherhand Say Its an Understatment"
Did i mention Yet , That ...................
Atlantic_Cable Posted Feb 17, 2004
Nice to hear from you!
If you want to write any entries for the Cathederal, just let me know and I'll link to them.
You don't have to use a subject from the Cathederal, anything Discworld related is welcome.
Did i mention Yet , That ...................
Discworld Cathedral Clergy Posted Mar 15, 2004
(that was Werekitty btw.
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Did i mention Yet , That ...................
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