A Conversation for John Nash (a work in progress)

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 1


Entry: John Nash (a work in progress) - A1063108
Author: Cyzaki - U223973

I really think this entry needs writing, but all I know about him is what I saw in the film, and what he said in his Nobel Prize autobiography (see link in entry), so I need some help! I'm willing to share the credit with anyone who helps me write this smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - sorry not my area of expertise!

Hopefully somebody will be able to offer you some help smiley - ok


A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 3


Me too, especially as I don't really have time to research it myself at the moment (exams! aarrgghhhhh...)! I'll so some of my own research after next week, cos I'll be on summer holiday and have plenty of time, but I'd still like some help, if anyone out there knows anything about him...

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 4


A bit short at the moment smiley - winkeye

One link I'd like to plug is to Hex A1040176, which Nash invented as a graduate student at Princeton, and I know you've already seen. Unfortunately this is not in the EG (yet)

I haven't seen the film, but I gather it concentrates rather on his decline into schizophrenia, rather than his genius with game theory. The Hex links do give some brief biography. I'll see if I can do some research for this entry...

Pimms smiley - stout>

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 5


Thanks, I'll put a link to your Hex entry smiley - smiley

At the moment I'm just trying to collect all the information and get it down, then when I have some time I'll re-write it all into a proper entry smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 6


Cyzaki smiley - smiley

I thought I'd back up my 'collaboration' by offering you a sketch of an entry (with gaps) that you might like to hang your additional information in (or alternatively selectively quote from)- A1073206

This is mostly based on the Milner article I suggested with a little of what I know about game theory - probably worth a separate entry. I haven't seen the film or read the Nasar book so I can't add much info on them.

obviously more work is needed on the game theory part. would you be keen to write that yourself, or can I throw something together, based on the Dawkins chapters and prisoners dilemma stuff I know about?

Pimms smiley - winkeye

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 7


You go for it if you want to, would it be easier for you to write the entry and me help, rather than the other way around?

smiley - panda

PS - vote for me in Big Sister! (see my personal space...)

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 8


Cyzaki how did Big Sis turn out? smiley - smiley

Have copied most of your A1063108 into the entry mentioned earlier, and started work on an entry on Game theory.

You should I think be able to edit the Nash entry I started, I put you down as a co-researcher - do you think you could expand on the film and schizophrenia bit?

Do you think the entry would read better if it was more structured by dates than areas of achievment? I couldn't think where to sensibly add in where he studied, published, married etc. with this current format.

Princeton certainly deserves more than a passing mention in the quote on Hex.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 9


I'll have a look and see if I can edit your entry - I think you're the only one who can though. I'll add anything I research to this entry, and you can copy it across. I'll look into the film and a bit on schizophrenia over the weekend, as I work during the day and am usually shattered in the evenings! smiley - tongueout

We could just gather all the info together first, then think about how to organise it. Maybe a brief biography bit at the beginning, and then more in-depth bits under various headings?

smiley - panda

PS oh, Big Sis was fine, don't think I won but I dunno who did! Didn't end up doing much in there as RL got in the way a bit! smiley - tongueout

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 10


I'm more of an accretive sort of guy - for a short entry it can't go far wrong, as we shouldn't be going into too much detail. Also you can't see what I've collected until it is written down and vice versa. Maybe it will all become simple when we have two critical masses of info and bash them together what sort of format will work.

intro, bio, detail - sounds reasonable, maybe a conclusion to tie it all together.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 11


Sounds good to me smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 12


have you had a chance to update your spiel? I've done no more myself, but lazily I think there is enough there alreadysmiley - smiley

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 13


Not yet, sorry, been really really busy with work! Will definitely try this weekend!

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 14


Okay, I've added some stuff to my john nash thing, feel free to lift it all into yours and change whatever is necessary. Any more needed, just yell!

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 15


I've cut and pasted, then excised. What do you think of this A1073206
- what changes would you suggest before it is thrown to the slavering wolves of PR?

I took the paragraph on general intro to schizophrenia out, as I didn't think it was necessary to the thrust of the Entry being on Nash - as with Game theory, it might work better as a linked entry.

I'm not too happy with using external links if we can write up a Guide Entry on the subject - there is one on Schizophrenia and Split Personality, linked to already, but I'm not sure if it covers Schizophrenia well enough.

Do you want to write a separate entry, possibly on 'Recovering from Schizophrenia' from the direction of the film review site, which could have specific schizophrenia links in?

Pimms smiley - mistletoe
(you masy have noted that I haven't finished the Game Theory entry yet either - I'm working on it!)

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 16


Yeah, I could write a separate schizophrenia entry... this is turning into quite a project isn't it! May not have time for a while... might try to do a bit this weekend though.

I'll have a look at the entry so far and post my reactions there.

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 17


How do i get this out of the workshop? cos it doesn't need to be here any more...

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 18


On the <./>Rf3</.> page, it will say 'Remove' next to the name of the entry smiley - smiley Click it.

Go on...

smiley - blacksheep

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 19


Ooh, thankyou!

smiley - panda

A1063108 - John Nash (a work in progress)

Post 20


You might want to go into the edit entry and click on the not for review box as well - would n't want someone else submitting it on your behalf...or are you going to recycle it?

Pimms smiley - run chasing the backlog

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