A Conversation for Talking Point: Making Friends
making friends
JUST ME Started conversation Jun 16, 2003
I find it easier to make friends online, not necessarily cus Im shy(although I am) but mainly because I dont go anywhere these days. Plus meeting ppl in real life can be daunting when your not sure what to say or how to start a conversation.. Still have that problem online as well. Im not clever and I've not been to college or university, got no degrees or A levels, Im just me, a person whos seen life, but no one wants to know about that, Most ppl talk above me and I get lost easierly in that sort of conversation, So I tend to keep to myself. AND yet I love ppl, they are the most complexed beings in the world and so facinating to talk to,,,, Why wont they talk to me?
Must be just me then!
making friends
¦/ArTisAn\¦ Posted Jun 17, 2003
Hi again
I see you managed the pic then
With regard to this post;
Be"just you".
Dont ever put yourself down.
No-one on this planet knows everything.
I must admit on first impressions this site seemed very intimidating to me.
Conversations dont necessarily have to be long winded,articulate or humorous..be yourself and have fun..
making friends
Universal Granny Posted Jun 19, 2003
Hi, Just Me and Artisan, please don't be daunted by this site, it's a great place to be and very friendly.
Could you do with a Universal Granny for a while? I'm here if you need me, but as I am not sure what ages, gender, you are and not even which country you are in, I don't know if that would appeal.
Anyway, welcome, browse around and you will soon make friends - you've already contacted each other, that's a start!
Take care, Universal Granny
making friends
ollyowl Posted Jan 30, 2006
Hello Universal Granny!
Do you really fit that description? I'm sending you a reply because I feel very age conscious as a new comer to h2g2.Maybe we could " connect"- especially as you make a reference to being in a different country. I don't live in the UK now but have friends there, who,however, are not very communicative. In other words they take ages to reply to any message that I send them. It would be fun to chat if we have some common interests. By the way, I'm not actually a granny, but could be!( I tried to put a Smiley but it didn't work- any how the intention existed!)
making friends
Websailor Posted Feb 17, 2006
Hi, Olly,
It's me again. I promised I would give you a few ideas about connecting with people on this site so here goes:
Click on Home Page at the top of your Personal Space. There are lots of links there, like Ask the Community. Miscellaneous Chat and loads of other interesting things like ..
You can also click on Who's Online at the top of your PS and see a list of people who are online. Click on any that take your fancy and just drop in. You can 'lurk' i.e. say nothing and just read, join in or start a conversation. You can usually tell by the tone of the PS what kind of reception you will get. I am sure you will soon find lots of people with similar interests.
Oh, and forget the AGE thing!! The age range here is enormous, and it doesn't seem to matter a jot.
I look forward to your reply to my email. I am sure you will enjoy being here. I have put you on my Friends list so you might find people dropping in on you for and
and a chat.
Speak to you later,
making friends
redorchid Posted Jul 1, 2006
Hi just me,
I joined the chat group a few months ago and this is only my second response. It is difficult to get started. A few nights ago I was going to respond and my telephone was busy, other nights very quiet, a bit like life.
To-day I decided that I would reply as soon as I came in. What interests do you have films, books, talking?
Always glad to respond.
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making friends
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