cac - prep 1

0 Conversations

Graphic by Amy the Ant

' We put the CAC in



smiley - earth Weird Science smiley - strawberry First/Personals

smiley - towel Satire smiley - spork Kitchen


Summer weather
smiley - strawberries

Agg/Gag/CAC will be taking a break to enjoy the summer
in the great out of doors. We suggest you all do the same.

To keep you occupied on those inevitable rainy days
between now and then, try making something out of this:


smiley - towel
On behalf of
the Committee for Alien


A plane writing 'I quit' in the sky ~jwf~

God willing, we'll be back with more CAC in the h2g2POST in the autumn.

Meanwhile, if want to point us to any lost and forlorn entries or any overlooked writers that deserve a wider audience, please, leave a note and a link at:
the join AggGag/Cac in conversation page

Yes, smiley - ok of course
you can recommend your own compositions.
We'll be expecting a full report on what YOU did this summer.

smiley - footprintssmiley - runsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - peacedove

"42 may well be the answer, but we believe

there are still many questions to be asked."

Complete AGG/GAG


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Roosta Towel by Amy Ant

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