A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3321


smiley - ghost: My mother... is even more stubborn than I (where did they think it was that I hadst gotten it from then>?).

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3322


Oh, wait smiley - footinmouth... (to stop his ka-iling and wha-reening a bit smiley - weird scramble headed... inverted word part order smiley - cdouble Aagh!)...
Nick? smiley - doh what a smiley - devil of an idea Ol' Scratch himself wouldn't of thought of! smiley - eureka .... that means that there are some folks who are within the same time zone as of myself... maybe I could find some way to drag my mother into Hootoo-ing too... smiley - evilgrin.
smiley - erm, somehow... If I could just find a way to convince her to give the HHG2TG smiley - books a bit of a chance... find a way to trick her in to reading "snippets" ... maybe @ her morning smiley - tea?
smiley - huh

smiley - cheers

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3323


Oh Thorn!

You'd only just reached the League, too...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3324

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

mind you, i didn't understand a word of your last posting, but you seem like a fun sort of person, you will be missed.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3325


I understood about convincing others to read the books - the way I did it was tell my swarm that they wouldn't understand the film without reading them. And lending them then, and asking what they'd read every time they laughed.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3326

Nick_Em (not_him)

I think that's a very good idea. If you can't beat'em, make 'em join! The thing is, she might want you to keep off as she gets obsessed as everyone who visits the the black vortex that is hootoo inevitably does. You coiuld also promise not to play any RPGs and tell her what a great source of information hootoo is on life, the universe, and everything. (But I suggest for you to make her at least read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy otherwise she won't get it at all).

Also, if she doesn't like it, you're in trouble. But that's a risk you have to take. (She doesn't sound like the type of woman who would be overly enamoured with excessive imagination in a novel, she may think that "This sketch (book) is getting too silly".

If only you had the knight with the chicken - he'd sort her out

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3327


She dislikes them based off of the person who had originally introduced me to them. Keeps associating the stories themselves... with that person... instead.
If I could reproduce small segments... and just find some sort of a trick 'like some sort of a game' in a way... won't say that though.
[mother (aka... Darth Vader-in-a-skirt)]: "Thorn, it's too early in the morning for me to want to play a game. Come here, I have chores for you to do... so, hop to it (slacker)! etc."

Then I could get her hooked into how witty it all was... and then, maybe it would get her curiousity up. Then it'd get to the inevitable point... where she'd ask me where I kept getting it from...
She'd probably... look on the face'd be priceless.

Probably still wouldn't let her allow me to "go online more"...
Kept trying to read every single thing a person had posted in the chat threads too when I had first started "smiley - erm, what are you doing?"
Me: "Oh, um nothing mother... um, Research!"* ... paranoid... of what? I embrace the unknown... *he says howling at the smiley - fullmoon no less (smiley - dontpanic, only kidding).*

*sorta like a smiley - silly quasi parody of "Dennis! There's some lovely filth oer here!" etc., this next bit -> "Oh, why aren't you helping about the house more... etc. etc.?"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3328


The one thick problem with that,... is that she and my grandmum... both seem to think... that they are the sole resource needed on how to do things. smiley - erm, Get other people to do things smiley - doh
<- "I mean..." *ducks to avoid getting smiley - fish slapped* }Cod!{ (<-in place of the more familiar }Wham!{, yes?)
*here fills in an appropriately similar sounding innocuous phrase*

The smiley - weird thing about my mom, is that she used to be open & receptive to suggestions and new ideas. smiley - cool even... she actually got to meet Edward Gorey in person once in New York, traveled a lot, etc. Why certain people rapidly approach the "old grouch" stage, on purpose... is beyond me. Perhaps a strict grandmother beith involved.
The funny bit-> She (my grandmother) threatened to embroider/hem lace doily cuffs to my pantslegs if I "didn't quit/stop outgrowing them [properly] (so fast)." I can see that potential of having wit in there... yet strictness in all things tends to chase it away...
*plays a lampoon of a dirge...*
*Tells the marching band to stop sounding so d@*n cheerful about it then. Yes, yes! And the parade too... smiley - flustered Cut-that-out!*

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3329

Nick_Em (not_him)

Has she seen any of the Python's comedy? Surely that could get her to understand why you like chatting to people (You could call it "socialising") who are likeminded to your stream of unconsciousness. If she doesn't like the Pythons she's a lost cause. Even she must laugh at the sketches. If she hasn't seen any Pythons, make her watch "And now for something completely different" or the favourite "The Holy Grail". Either one of these are Python at its best.

If she's too strict, you'll have to wait until you are able to leave home until you are allowed freedom to waste your time on frivolity.

Oh well, if nothing else, have some smiley - tea and "Always look on the bright si-ide of life" [smiley - musicalnote]

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3330


There were a few smiley - silly parts that she found to be funny...
In the Grail one,- but, for some reason that was the very last VHS anyone got to see much of, a few hours later our VCR didn't break,- but our TV went out. Permanently. smiley - injured

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3331

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

that sounds rather painful, what happened?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3332


Our TV... broken. Stuck broken.
* misses his __*
[fill in the blank here with...__#]

1. TV
2. Almost-'date'
3. Daytime online access
4. Etc.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3333

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

oh dear poor you. i miss my best friend, he's gone off down under for 3 weeks & im not exactly coping well without him, i keep doing silly things that he would usually prevent me from doing...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3334


Ah, well... @ least they are still your friend.
"Almost 'date' 1" <- when last saw eachother, it was on good terms.
The other one, I believe... she left me for 'retail'. Owch smiley - injured(The job, not shopping, mind you).

Please smiley - dontpanic & feel smiley - sorry for me...
It might only make it worse smiley - skull

smiley - rofl @ self.
smiley - winkeye

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3335


Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3336


[my turn, here I GO-oh-oh-oh!]: "smiley - run away! give us a shrubbery or I will be forced to say 'Ni' again."

(New-Dark Age) smiley - scientist: "smiley - erm, oh yes, -uh... hello. Welcome to the Pythonist society. I have taken the time to construct for you this fully working, completely autonomic (smiley - erm, at least the parts that are not mechanical and manually reset-able"

*presents the robotic parrot* smiley - dontpanic
"Much less of a bother to clean up than the actual or sea-faring-farraging varieties. I'm just part of the doormat though, so rather than get swept out from under the rug... please wait to listen to our cheerful elevator music in the background. Bosses'll be here to see you shortly." smiley - whistle
smiley - musicalnote

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3337

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

don't let Traveller catch you welcoming people...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3338

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"I can easily wipe you from the doormat smiley - evilgrin

Only Upper Class Twis do the welcoming part. Just be an active pythonist for long enough and you get Classified smiley - yikes labelled in a jar smiley - tomato"

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3339


smiley - dontpanic Kind Sirs! For I have not officially -welcomed him. [I] have simply gone to the travails of helping to provide the p.a.r.r.o.t.
It's a robotic one. I like to leave stuff like official welcoming... to the "pros."
smiley - winkeye
smiley - laugh

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3340

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

it looked suspiciously like a welcome to me...

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