A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3301


Pumice woulda been fine, but concrete? Come on, help me!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3302

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

surely pumice is even heavier & more solid?

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3303


"RRr!" I growl, *pelting the pumice back at ILM....*
"Now please don't call me persnikity, but I'm feeling a little like eating persimmon, eh? how about you people?" *tosses some of the paistakingly prepared-fruit*

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3304


"Painstakingly,-I meant. smiley - doh Perilous plurifold of precarious preposition-ry." *Spits the last of the words out into a spittoon/spitcan* }Ptui!{

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3305

Nick_Em (not_him)

Let me in the society! Give me my free parrot! I'll sing the lumberjack song, and I'll even compete in Twit of the year while doing a silly walk. What do I mean when I say that I mean?

*Gets chased off cliff by nude models*

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3306


smiley - huh
"Why are they chasing you?" *Sees pile of clothes.* "Um, nevermind..."

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3307

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

please tell me you've seen the meaning of life... it made perfect sense.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3308


smiley - wah Alas, for all I have as-of-yet seen is Quest for the Holy Grail. My family's TV is broken. I'm going to have to fix the old one. Last time we had to go to an antique machines place to have it custom-repaired. *smiley - crys smiley - bravely*

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3309

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

wow, that is unfortunate for you. when you get the chance i suggest you watch it, you'll understand about the nude rollerskating girls then...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3310


I am assuming, then-that it would very naturally of course be 'un-rated', yes? <- Funny little loophole to extreme censorship that can be. D@*n convenient too... *Something to be thankful for(?)*

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3311


smiley - rofl

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3312


Pumice is lighter than concrete!

Oh, and glad to see you about, Thorn!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3313

Mad - I need a holiday, very seriously...

yes, but it's more exfoliating...

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3314


Thanks. You see the fun little thing about pumice... is that [here pauses to build pseudo-dramaticism]-it floats.

... It's a rock,
that floats.
smiley - dontpanic

... Really. smiley - laughsmiley - ok

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3315


Look here bruce, I have created pure green.
Now admit me to this blasted society or feel my (rather large) wrath!

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3316


I knew pumice floated....

Oh, and heya, someone official will arrive soon.

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3317

Nick_Em (not_him)

Good, falling off the cliff continuously is getting rather painful, though somehow appropriate for a director who used degradation of women gratuitously in a movie, it's all I deserve.

*falls down hole while advertising for the Brown party*

Oh, and I have Monty Python's Big Red Book (Special hardcover edition)! So there.

And now for something completely different

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3318


-Posted 19 Minutes Ago by thornthedruidguy (elsewhere)-
}smiley - musicalnote!{
My mom has ruled in a moral ethic./ethnical dictum on the Quintessentialness of morality(/ how to live one's life under her roof, etc.) that I am now only allowed 2-3 hr.s of computer time a day, from 7-ish P.M. or where ever in the evening (for that is the 'designated slot' that she 'chooses' til then... in my own time zone (Where as I am posting this it is about 9:42 P.M. ) and will hear none of otherwise... because even my Magician's Guild lunkhead of a character Ecg, pales in comparison to how stubborn she is. I'm screwed, just because she won't hear anything of any sort -of otherwise. Goodbye h2g2... goodbye all of you smiley - silly pythonists...
T'were nice 'knowing' you all.... smiley - skull.
}!smiley - musicalnote{

smiley - wah... treats me like she assumes I were still 12.
*Pounds his fists against the table/top of desk*
swearing -mildly (so smiley - dontpanic). smiley - cry
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep-ita. smiley - bleep...
smiley - brave

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3319

Nick_Em (not_him)

It's not ALL over, is it? I mean, within your greatly restricted hours, you can still go on H2G2, all we ask is that you try and spend your internet time as much on hootoo as possible.

If not, so long, and thaks for all the fish

*Squashes thorn the druid guy with 10 ton weight then with a cherub's foot*

smiley - wah

I want to be in the Society!

Post 3320


<- Hereupon being the part where it is believed that *thornthedruidguy spontaneously combusts }BOOM!{* ->
smiley - skull O well, @ least I can leave giving u guys 1finallastlaughsmiley - skull
Oh dear... that one was in txt-spk. Oh, no! smiley - yikes

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