A Conversation for The Lair of the No-Thing's

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 141


Yay! smiley - bubbly

Think we need all the help we can get!

What your shoe size ,interesting fact and hobbies then?

Dont know when Verc will be in again..

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 142

Existential Elevator

smiley - smiley We'll get them.. smiley - winkeye


Shoe size: 4 and 1/2 (uk)
Interesting fact:
Hobbies: bemusing people, talking to bemusing people

smiley - ermI think I'll have to come back to the interesting fact...

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 143

the return of nicole


JOIN - plain and simple

Post 144

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*holds onto Nicole and drags her away*
sorry shes my sister...

and a thingite...
talking about them you can remove me if you wish...

i would prefer to remain your spy but... sine you dont trust me...
not that i blame you...


JOIN - plain and simple

Post 145


I wish to join on two grounds:

first, Thursday is my wife's favorite day.

second, cross-linguistically, Thursday surfaces in very diverse ways (perhaps a list is needed), and "Thursday" is one of the more etymologically interesting versions.

third, (did I say only two?), "Thursday" is devilishly hard to say for non-native speakers of English, and thus exceedingly fun to drill people on in an ESL class. OK, class. Everybody stick your tongue out, between your teeth, now bring it back into your mouth rapidly while exhaling..."

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 146

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

Hi there. Where is verc? The more recent No-things are not on the page?.

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 147

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

Can I join?
Fact: The Anvil One meant to say "there is no smiley - spork"
Shoe size: Bigger than a paramecium and smaller than a giant space goat.
Hobies: Pretending to fit in.

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 148


The silence is ominous. I fear foul play.

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 149

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

thay have all ran away thats all smiley - winkeye

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 150

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

Like we'd ever run!

It was merely a tactical withdraw...

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 151

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

Someone bring them all back!

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 152

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

let em run smiley - laugh

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 153

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

NO!! They musn't run!! Then I'll bring 'em back.

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 154

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

then let this sillyness stop for good

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 155


Right..what have i been summoned for? imminent war? world crisis? tea n biscuits? im a buisy little saint y'know! smiley - biggrin

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 156

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i think this orginisation is collapsing...

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 157


hmmmmm , well when was the last time any plotting n scheming was started?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 158

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

SEE!!! This is the purpose of coming back! The mighty No-things can't collapse! Who would then defy the puny thingites?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 159



Ah so there still is interest...

I only have time for a quick pop in and out of this thread for the moment. But I will be back! smiley - ok

You must forgive my long absence, I'm afraid I've been very busy of late. I'll try and find time over the next few days to update the page.

In the mean time if anyone wants to have the odd poke at the thingite page, then I won't complain smiley - biggrin

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 160

Iluvatar(ruler of middle earth and all of Ea and Arda)

Only one minute prior to that post I was going to drag you back in here with whatever it took. But now...


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