A Conversation for The Lair of the No-Thing's

Down with the thingites!

Post 1


Dont let Clive win the presidential election!

Vote for me!

up with thursday!

Down with the thingites!

Post 2



Down with the thingites!

Post 3


*sorts through some papers and coughs appologetically*

*appologetic cough*

*see, i told you*

Right then chaps, i see the Thingies still exist, that can't be good. I also see that Thursday also still exists, which is really good. so i guess all is actually really quite good in the grand scheme of things. or not things if you know what i mean. in fact, thinking about it, does anyone know where i put the grand scheme of things, or not things, whichever really, i can't remember nor do i recall and slightly possibly i may even not really care, but we'll leave that for another timesmiley - winkeye

long and short of it is, anyone up for a little skermish raid on the thingite threadssmiley - evilgrin

Down with the thingites!

Post 4


I remember Painting Thursday several feet high, and distributing several million leaflets with Thursday on around the Thingite Head quarters, but that was a long time ago now... *gets out zimmer*

Then again the Thingites didn't win the election... so things seem to still be at something of a stalemate...

Down with the thingites!

Post 5


oooooh, how i hate stale mates

i'm gonna do a little reconnaisance and see what the thingies are up to these dayssmiley - ok

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