A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2301

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Fun with anagrams...

George Herbert Walker Bush = Huge Berserk Rebel Warthog

Saddam Hussein = Sudan Is Mashed


Smashed Unsaid
Sunshine Maids

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2302


oh how I love good intelligent discourse!smiley - winkeye

"The trouble with the french is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur!" - Dubya

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2303



"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2304

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Since my parents and syblings are all from England, I am hoping the next time I go to the States they deport me there. I would love the vacation!

smiley - cheers

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2305

clzoomer- a bit woobly

btw, redpeckham- that is possibly the finest quote of Dubya I have ever seen.

smiley - ok

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2306

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)


" US President Ronald Reagan can no longer walk or talk and is rarely awake, his daughter has said."

There is no truth to the rumour that the above sentence has begun every article about Ronald Reagan since 1979.

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2307


smiley - cheerszoomer. It is rather funny isn't it - Dubya's good for a laugh if nothing else.

I'm trying to get oetzi to re-join us cos I'm worried this thread may go down he toilet.

maybe that's what Dubya wants cos it's all going rather quiet in Iraq - and there is talk over here that Blair may resign. Come on Della as well, where are you?smiley - winkeye

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2308


"it's all going rather quiet in Iraq"

Well, yeah: it's quiet for the guy in this picture: http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/031205/w120536.html

It's only going quiet if you're not listening.

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2309


well obviously 'quiet' is relative. thousands die everyday of Aids in Africa. Blair said to us yesterday that we are second only to the US in giving help for that. Death comes in many guises. It's about about time you saw the bigger picture!

It's Saddam, it's Bush

Post 2310


Let's see. What's the title of this thread again? "The Big Picture"? No that's not it. Hmm. What is it again?

smiley - smiley

It's Saddam, it's Bush

Post 2311


well its rather difficult della, cos we hear nothing from saddam and Bush is just trying to get re-elected. if we could get some soldiers from Iraq involved in this thread we might be getting somewhere. Any ideas?

It's Saddam, it's Bush

Post 2312


not della i meant to say anhaga

It's Saddam, it's Bush

Post 2313


Well, actually, we have heard from Saddam a number of times over the past months. Of course, it's all been pretty much empty rhetoric. Of course, that's pretty much what President Bush keeps giving us as well.smiley - smiley

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2314


Here's some of the "bigger picture" redpeckhametc.


All of the above is at least as relevant to this thread as your little bit of common knowledge about AIDS/HIV. Funny thing is, buried in all the links is one to a story which is directly relevant to this thread, sadly, it may get lost in all the other links. This burying seems to be what you and Oetzi sometimes like to do. That's why so many went away. You mention a desire to have Iraqi voices on the thread. Well, many of the posts have contained Iraqi voices, not least the Kindergarten teacher asking why Americans were blasting away at children with tanks. A lot of us are very aware of the big picture; here we have been trying to focus on the details.

smiley - smiley

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2315


Oh yeah trunt - so how much is Canada helping out and giving MONEY to African countries then? Links are one thing but money out of our taxes are quite another.

How much are YOU contributing i wonder?smiley - biggrin

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2316


smiley - ermIf you want to talk about aid to Africa, start a thread about it.

(Personally, I send 800 billion dollars every year to Africa. Prove me wrong.smiley - biggrin)

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2317


Never mind. I started a new thread for you: F19585?thread=354339

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2318

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Go on, have a look Red! The water is fine, come on in!

smiley - ok

"Why did they shoot a kindergarten with tank shells?"

Post 2319


We're back to foreign aid as a percentage of GDP again aren't we? None of us do as well as we might there.

The US certainly donates a lot less to AIDS research/treatment than it spends blowing things up and making enemies. Which is funny in a bitter way because AIDS does so much more damage.

It's Saddam, it's Bush

Post 2320

Oetzi Oetztaler....Anti Apartheid

Great french bread in the CO-OP
best in the business.

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