A Conversation for The Hootoo Home of Today


Post 1

Researcher 185550

I don't know what happened to one of the brothers. As far as I know, one of them sold out to the big corporation on the sole proviso that he would be allowed to keep and run the original store.


Post 2


Let's just hope the other one hasn't been lurking inside the Ronald Mc Donald suit all this time!

smiley - burgersmiley - clown

smiley - cheersRoadkill!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 3

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

That would be a very pleasing twist of fate indeed. Oooh, perhaps he cloned himself? That's why there are so many of them!


Post 4


cloWned himself???

te he, I like it!smiley - silly

smiley - ok

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 5

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

It would explain the distressing tendency of people dressed up in novelty animal suits everywhere to be almost exactly the same...


Post 6



Some people get very worried about Mickeysmiley - mouse.

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 7

Researcher 185550

They would. Perhaps they're all out there, plottin in secret to take over the world. Perhaps the US should concentrate less on the War on Terror and more on the War on cloWnes.


Post 8


You may be right. I worry about the U.S economy when Bushes Snr & Jnr have to share a mask.

Hygiene , y'know....



Post 9

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Indeed. Actually there's a fabulous book out here at the moment, it's called "George W. Bushisms- The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of America's 43rd President". Filled with such gems as "More and more of our imports are coming from overseas".


Post 10


Nice one!!!

Our dearly beloved Royal family are good at this sort of thing; I seem to remember, when being shown around yet another factory & coming across a rather shoddily built bit of it, Prince Philip was heard to comment "Probably built by Indians?"


smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 11

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Ah yes, our beloved Royals. And in Australia, I think he was heard to ask "Do you stil throw spears at each other?" to the aboriginessmiley - yikes.


Post 12


And then we have the "what's the difference between a BBC reporter and a civil servant?" series:

Former beeb journalist, now top civil servant, quoted in the Sunday Times:

"Insisting on telling the truth served me well at the BBC, but during my time as a civil servant it brought the vengeful wrath of Downing Street crashing down on my head."




Post 13

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

That's a good one. smiley - erm I can't remember any more at the moment. Damn.

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