A Conversation for The Hootoo Home of Today


Post 1


Erkh! (strangled noise).

I can't believe I've missed three of these, especially as I thought I was looking out for them. Blind as a coot, to mix animal similes for a moment. Talking of mixing, I like the sound of WMT (Cocktail) Boothby. Sounds like a refugee from the cocktail bar of the Ravages Hotel.

Anyway, this is marvellous: makes me feel at home. Tell me, is an electrified grandfather compatible with clockwork teeth?


Post 2


*ooow* *woochy poochy coo*

A person who expresses an interest in electrifying his Grandfather; I knew they existed!

I shall give you a special quote from "The Home of Today"; I do pray I do not make any typo's.

"There is a great fascination about old cocks, perhaps because they have been so long the trusted and important inmates of generations of homes."

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.


Post 3


I guessed it might be about old cocks (why doesn't h2g2 have a spell check function?). I do like their soothing swinging motion but it can lull you so much that it gives you a start when the bell goes off.

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