A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'

ld tea bar

Post 961

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

oooooh, thanx for the pic of justins bum... smiley - laugh

ok, i'll go get those bloody cobwebs but i hate smiley - spiders... lol....
marc set up the tea shoppe many moons ago, used to be dandy highwayman, but now prince of valhalla (sp?).... but i'm sure you know that anyway...

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 962



the tea shoppe was set up in the days when most people were limited to digiboxes and they in themselves bring many problems.

one of the reasons that we kept making new threads, was because to more postings made, the more blue boxes were displayed.

this seems to have stopped happening with such a great occurence these days the powers that be seem to be working on it.
mainly hard work by loups and co.

but i agree with your comments. we should keep this thread going and get to 1000 and have a party.smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 963

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

just thought i'd pop in and see if anyone's about......

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 964


and make the thread get closer to the 1000 smiley - rofl

smiley - cheerssmiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 965

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

there is that too.... smiley - laugh

oooooh, all this smiley - zooming about is making me queezey.... i'm not a well woman... and me botty's sore... smiley - laugh

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 966

X+ CROSS-HEAD +X (Come and chat with me... I only bite if requested)

one big comfy cushion for Sheryls broomstick coming right up {:::} we cant have her with a sore ( Y ) how can we get invites to all those who used to be on this thread? Any ideas? we also need food and drink
going to go and see who i can find >>> a lurking i will go smiley - musicalnote

ld tea bar

Post 967

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

hiya ian smiley - cuddle
thanx for the cushion luv.... i need it after keep smiley - runing to the little smiley - witches room...... smiley - laugh
got a tummy bug or summat... smiley - wah

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 968

X+ CROSS-HEAD +X (Come and chat with me... I only bite if requested)

wish you`d told me earlier you had a stomache bug i thought it was the food and threw it all out smiley - dohsmiley - footprints >>>> a shopping i will go
good job the Asda round here is open all night
and Sheryl they do sell Old Jamaica Chocolate at the one near me lol

ld tea bar

Post 969

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

you cheeky smiley - tit.... i don't smell.... smiley - rofl
oh right... i'll pass that info on to miz... i forgot to look in our local asda today... mind you the thought of food was the last thing i needed.... ours is open 24hr too... smiley - tongueout

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 970

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

SHERYL hiya wondered when we was going to get a visit..A PARTY smiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - porkpiesmiley - flan going to have to open my wallet, have to do it in a dark room cos the queen isn`t used to the lightsmiley - rofl and get down to the Cash and Carry..Party party Party
Cecil you go and start the car i`ll write the shopping list, how do i spell burger? oh hang on i just did
>>>>>smiley - run back later with the supplies
oooooh i love supplieses
ok i`m gone >>>smiley - footprints

ld tea bar

Post 971


slow down marc.

we still have 30 postings to go and we arent exactly rushing in here. so we dont want the sausage rolls getting soggy or the crusts curling up on the butties smiley - rofl

we will have to get jinty back in here and she can make some of her wonderful smiley - cake

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 972

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

Sorry just been busy adding a few names to my friends list and putting an invite on my space...most of the people still have this thread on their conversation lists..Is Jinty still making her exellent cakes? mmmmmmm Jintys baking i can almost taste it..I think chris and pinky still come online Em does she could celbrate her birthday at same time as the party?
if she wants to join us that is..oh well have to wait and see who turns up (more food for me if they don`t smiley - rofl)

ld tea bar

Post 973


jinty is still online, but im not sure if she comes into h2 much these days. i will send her a message..

chris is having problems at work, they dont like him playing with us anymore and he only smeaks a message every now and then..

batty is away for the school holidays..

em had a big birthday bash in thread 7 the other night..

if my catering is anything to go by, you will have plenty of doggy bags smiley - rofl

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 974

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

Cecil is very offended and wants to know why it is always the doggies that get the bags? no Cecil don`t go we will get you some bags honest>>> smiley - runsmiley - musicalnote come back baby come back

ld tea bar

Post 975

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

what do you mean Em had a big birthday bash? i never heard nothing about that, I never got an invite..proves where i stand doesn`t it..Thanks EM (KMB)

ld tea bar

Post 976

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

hi gang..... nooooooooooo food, still iffy... smiley - wah

still, i'm happy coz my justin and dan got two kerrang awards... best live band and best british..... good work lads.... smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

and have you seen the pics in the kerrang mag.... smiley - drool

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 977

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Nightwatchman needed ?????

ld tea bar

Post 978

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

i'm sure marc's already got you penciled in for that babes... smiley - ale
good to see ya.... smiley - cuddle

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 979



Can anyone join in or is it just for originals smiley - huh

ld tea bar

Post 980

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate


I dont suppose Marc is about to turn anybody away smiley - ok

How are you both ???

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