A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'

ld tea bar

Post 1021

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

I think she is on about what is behind justins guitar..lol
Can you remember the Grumbleweeds then?
where is everyone these days i got a list of ex-tea-shop users but hardly any of them seem to be around anymoresmiley - sadface

ld tea bar

Post 1022

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

Now sheryl you know my bits don`t hang they always at attention..lol

ld tea bar

Post 1023



this i gotta see smiley - whistlesmiley - rofl

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1024

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

pity you haven`t got a camera phone!

ld tea bar

Post 1025

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

"hangs handbag on marcs bits"........
marc, have you seen that pic..... WOW......smiley - blush

helen... there's one of his bum as well.... smiley - biggrin

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 1026

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

I`ll just nip and get a mop to clear up Sheryls drool..she keeps steaming up my T.V screen every time she thinks abou you know who..
Where are you goig for your hols Helen?
i go down wales soon for the week.

ld tea bar

Post 1027


how do you know that i havent got a camera phone????

i could have one right here waiting for a suitable picture to use as wallpaper..smiley - rofl

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1028



we arent going anywhere i dont think.
all i know is that he has a week off and i wont be allowed out to play.smiley - wah

we might have a couple of day trips.. dont know.

all i know is that im lumbered with him at home all of the time and i get no break smiley - wahsmiley - wah

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1029

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

MMMM my bits as wallpaper smiley - yikes beats woodchip
i suppose

ld tea bar

Post 1030

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

marc.... ah but from which end am i droolin' then..... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

but those pics... i mean... well i do.... WOW...... smiley - rofl

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 1031

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

BRB i`m just going to nip to cash machine and then for some cigs..

ld tea bar

Post 1032


woodchip on the phone.. different smiley - rofl

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1033

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

marc... get some chips luv while you're out...smiley - tasmiley - laugh

helen.... ah but woodchip on his bits.... now that would scratch... smiley - rofl

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 1034


Sheryl,,,can I post in here ??....smiley - biggrin

ld tea bar

Post 1035



dont remind me of woodchip.
as it was cheap when i was married and having kids..
we used it in their bedrooms.. chris was forever picking out the bits of wood smiley - grr

he used to make such a mess of his bedrooms, that i never decorated the on he used in this present house.. its now my study/junk room and looks horrible..

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1036



dont forget the curry sauce smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

ld tea bar

Post 1037

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

gazza ya daft sod, you just did... smiley - laugh

think marc's just nipped for some smokes....

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 1038


sounds a good idea...ciggy time,,,brb

ld tea bar

Post 1039

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

helen... i must confess to pickin' the stuff meself.... it's bloody 'orrible... smiley - laugh

smiley - zoom

ld tea bar

Post 1040

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - zoom

me and helen don't smoke thankyou, and we appreciate you nipping outside... smiley - hug

smiley - zoom

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