A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 881

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

perhaps you can put the recipe for spotted dick on the recipe page JIntysmiley - chef that you are smiley - rose

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 882


rude version just put a flea down your trousers and you'll get all the spots you want tee heeeeee
smiley - chef

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 883

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity

so was ur name `sixtyfour` spelt like that??? lol cos i cant recall seeing it!!!! errr and i dont remember dinkie either!!!! pmplmao what times were u in the pubroom??? smiley - biggrin

hiya rebel smiley - kiss

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 884

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

me? twerp??!!...that's it...I QUIT! lol.

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 885

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity

hahahahahaha well sian i heard there pay is shocking anyway!!! lmfto so i would quit if i was u smiley - nahnah i need a cleaner/ironer...fancy the job??? teehee xxxxx smiley - biggrin

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 886

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


Lzy smiley - bleep...do it yourself! lol.
I need a foot massager...interested smiley - biggrinsmiley - nahnah

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 887

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 888

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

afternoon peeps..smiley - smiley

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 889


Hi all
Sian hope we aren`t squabbling..smiley - hug your all doin a good job under the circumstances i know we haven`t got a full compliment of staff at the moment that is why i am filling in for helen as well as doing security and i know i am doing cleaning as well but i do have one or two helping me with that at night.. as for Jinty well
if you need any help just shout and we will see if we can get one or two others to help out with the catering..
I don`t try to boast about my creation cos a lot of work has been done by a lot of people (see
front space) and if anyone is doing double shifts extra work etc then Jackie will be made aware of the fact and the wage packets and perks will reflect that..Any other problems for the time being while Helen is off line give me or assistant managers a shout..THANK YOU TO ALL STAFF AND REGULAR VISITORS..Marc

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 890

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity

hiya cutiechops smiley - biggrin
bye cutiechops lol gotta go smiley - run

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 891


smiley - sorry forgot to mention answers to this weeks pop quiz have now been put on the page and EM is entitled to meal and drink at my expense..WELL DONE EM..

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 892


i'm off line constructing new page c u tomorrow
smiley - chef

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 893

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Bye Jinty smiley - smiley


Just harmless fun! smiley - biggrin
Grrrr! I got 5...measley 5! lol
I should've known that A-ha take on me one!!!
Anyways when you've completed this week quiz could you give me the link?! Thanks
smiley - chick

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 894

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersPlease can I have a smiley - tea and a fruit scone.smiley - ta


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 895

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - discoGO EMsmiley - discoGO EMsmiley - discoGO EM..

smiley - ta marc.......smiley - biggrin

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 896

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

hiya kat..

smiley - tea & fruit scone...4u kat

smiley - biggrin

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 897

Reality Manipulator

smiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - taThank you EM for the smiley - tea and for the fruit scone.smiley - biggrin


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 898


HI all this weeks pop quiz is now available for veiwing on A1033499
hope smiley - disco EM has had her free meal with drinks as her prize for winning week 5 ..smiley - love Marc..the smiley - coolsmiley - thief

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 899


where are all the staff again??? if i was a customer i would have got bored with waiting and gone elsewhere!!!..

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 900

.DIZZIE.DI. keeper of REBs dodgy tackle lol

smiley - teasmiley - biggrin

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