A Conversation for Electricity (an Introduction)


Post 41

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

...and that's what I meant when I said "If you can't say it, don't say it".

Either a very short (but accurate) passing reference, or nothing at all.


P.S. I worked for 20 years for a large Semiconductor company. One of my first jobs was doing QA on transistors. There was a strike (this was in England!) and there were rolling power outages. Our company agreed to consume less power, in exchange for having it on all the time. The lab got really cold. It was my job to adjust the pass/ fail levels for such things as hFE, and LVECO, BVCEO, etc. for the lower ambient temparature. So, at least back then, I knew something about the effects of temp. on Rho and other parameters smiley - winkeye
I drifted into IT and programming, so I'm no longer up on this stuff.


Post 42

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I used to be a solid state chemist, working on organic photoconductors. Again, I drifted into IT/programming. I still remember enough about the subject to know that it's a can of worms: once you open it, it's difficult to keep the lid on it.

I can't help agreeing with the message in other postings. Although this is a brave attempt to sum up the subject, it's difficult because there is so much associated with it. perhaps another simpler angle might be to take a more purist approach; simply talk about it as the movement of charge carriers in a solid or liquid, and see where rthat gets you..

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 43

Gordon, Ringer of Bells, Keeper of Postal Codes and Maps No One Can Re-fold Properly

I read somewhere fairly recently that Ben Franklin's kite experiment was replicated and the results could not be duplicated regardless of how they tried the experiment.

smiley - teasmiley - towel

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 44


We really need a substitute for this very weak (and partly wrong) A455285 article. Is there any chance that this entry will be one eventually?

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 45

Bob McBob

No. Not a hope.

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 46


smiley - erm


Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 47

Bob McBob

Oh, all right then. I'll either do something with it, or chuck it into Flea Market where it can sit in peace.

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 48

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

Which is it to be then Bob?

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

Lightning as a form of Electricity

Post 49

Bob McBob

I'll take it out of here for a start.

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