A Conversation for Electricity (an Introduction)

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Post 1


A couple of spelling mistakes:
'Most conduators are made of metal'
'It is equel to the voltage'

You could try using less footnotes. Add the footnote text in brackets instead. If you want to. The footnote in your first sentence about the definition of charge is, IMO, a distraction and disturbs the flow of reading the first paragraph (a paragraph that should 'sell' the upcoming article).

'Electricity flows between a difference in potential (or voltage) along these wires. A battery produces this difference in potential' I've never understood completely the concept of potential (I studied Physics a long time ago and just accepted what I was told). Maybe expand upon this. For me. Please.

'V1/V2 = N1/N2' Perhaps you could explain this formula better. Folks without knowledge of formulae may not what is meant by V1, V2, etc. Of course, I know what it meanssmiley - winkeye.

There's nothing about serial and parallel circuitry. smiley - yikes

The article is laid out as a list of jargon which is then explained a little. Maybe grouping things like current, power, resistance, etc..under one title (scientific definitions???) would help to separate this 'technical' stuff from the rest , biogs...

Once I start writing I just can't stop sometimes.

The section on sources of electricity is lacking any input from yourself. I am lazy and like a bit more info before I decide to follow links.

'Power loss is increased by having a large current and resistance. (Energy "loss" = Current2 x Resistance. The power lines have a very low current to reduce the energy loss, but decreasing the current means they must increase the voltage.' IMO there's something missing from this bit, maybe it's not explained clearly enough (too brief???). It is late though. Not the best time to pour over another researchers work.

Please feel free to ignore any and all of this advice. Except the spelling, which isn't really a problem though. I just like to find spelling mistakes and point them out (in a condescending manner). Menus, shop signs, etc..

Oh, I forgot, this is a great article covering a very broad topic. Good luck with publishing it. I'm surprised nobody has done it yet.

double post

Post 2


Sorry, posted twice (three times now). And no subject line eithersmiley - blush

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